(Tomas Oneborg/SvD/TT / TT NYHETSBYRÅN)

EQT köper nischade bolåneinstitutet Bluestep

Wallenbergsfärens riskkapitalbolag EQT köper nischbanken Bluestep. Det rapporterar Direkt med hänvisning till ett pressmeddelande. Det köpta företaget har haft som affärsidé att erbjuda bolån till privatpersoner som har svårt att få lån genom de traditionella bolåneinstituten.

– Vi är imponerade av Bluestep Banks verksamhet, historik och ledningsgrupp. Företaget har skapat nischlånemarknaden i den nordiska regionen och har i dag en marknadsledande position, säger EQT-delägaren Albert Gustafsson i pressmeddelandet.

EQT Partners
Wikipedia (en)
EQT is a Swedish private equity group of 20 funds with EUR 31 billion in raised capital. Together with a network of industrial advisors, the firm invests in equity, mid market, infrastructure and credit in Nordic countries , DACH, Greater China and North America, with a focus in industrials, consumer goods, technology, media and telecommunications, health care and services. The company was founded in 1994 by SEB Asset management, Investor AB, and US-based AEA Investors. EQT Partners is the investment advisor to all the group's funds. It has around 450 employees, of which approximately 200 are within the investment advisory teams. The firm and its affiliates have offices in Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Guernsey, Helsinki, Hong Kong, London, Luxembourg, Madrid, Munich, New York, Oslo, Shanghai, Singapore, Stockholm and Zurich. The group has invested more than EUR 17 billion in around 150 companies and exited around 80. In May 2016, EQT announced the formation of a 566M Euro venture capital arm, called EQT Ventures.
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