Syrier på väg genom den bombade staden Douma, som tros ha bombats med kemiska vapen. (Hassan Ammar / AP)

4 300 dödade i krigets Syrien – hälften civila

Över 4 300 människor dödades i kriget i Syrien 2023, enligt Syriska människorättsobservatoriet. 1 800 av de döda beskrivs som civila.

Sammanlagt har kriget, som pågått sedan 2011, krävt över en halv miljon dödsoffer.

Strider pågår fortfarande mellan Bashar al-Assads regering och en mängd andra stridande fraktioner med olika agendor och inbördes relationer.

Regimen i Damaskus har stöd av Ryssland och Iran och har enligt TT tagit tillbaka stora delar av det territorium som tidigare kontrollerades av IS, men skakas samtidigt av demonstrationer som kräver dess avgång.

Inbördeskriget i krisen
Wikipedia (en)
The Syrian civil war (Arabic: ٱلْحَرْبُ ٱلْأَهْلِيَّةُ ٱلسُّورِيَّةُ, romanized: al-ḥarb al-ʾahlīyah al-sūrīyah) is an ongoing multi-sided conflict in Syria involving various state-sponsored and non-state actors. In March 2011, popular discontent with the rule of Bashar al-Assad triggered large-scale protests and pro-democracy rallies across Syria, as part of the wider Arab Spring protests in the region. After months of crackdown by governments security apparatus, various armed rebel groups such as the Free Syrian Army began forming across the country, marking the beginning of the Syrian insurgency. By mid-2012, the crisis had escalated into a full-blown civil war. Receiving arms from NATO and GCC states, rebel forces initially made significant advances against the government forces, whom in turn were receiving arms from Iran and Russia. Rebels captured the regional capitals of Raqqa in 2013 and Idlib in 2015. Consequently, in September 2015, Russia launched a military intervention in support of the government, shifting the balance of the conflict. By late 2018, all rebel strongholds, except parts of Idlib region, had fallen to the government forces. In 2014, the Islamic State group seized control of large parts of Eastern Syria and Western Iraq, prompting the U.S.-led CJTF coalition to launch aerial bombing campaign against it, while providing ground support to the Kurdish-majority Syrian Democratic Forces. Culminating in the Battle of Raqqa, the Islamic State was territorially defeated by late 2017. In August 2016, Turkey launched a multi-pronged invasion of northern Syria, in response to the creation of Rojava, while also fighting Islamic State and government forces in the process. Since the March 2020 Idlib ceasefire, the frontline fighting during the conflict has mostly subsided, and has been characterized by regular skirmishes. As of 2023, the civil war had largely subsided, mainly achieving a stalemate. One source stated: The war whose brutality once dominated headlines has settled into an uncomfortable stalemate. Hopes for regime change have largely died out, peace talks have been fruitless, and some regional governments are reconsidering their opposition to engaging with Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad. The government has regained control of most of the country, and Assad's hold on power seems secure.
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