Kinesiskt vägbygge med arbetskraft från Sri Lanka. (LAKRUWAN WANNIARACHCHI / AFP)

5 000 miljarder har plöjts ner i Kinas nya sidenväg

12 flygplatser, 8 751 kilometer vägar, 3 219 kilometer hastighetsjärnväg och vattenkraftsstationer med kapacitet på 187 gigawatt. Kina har pumpat in 5 000 miljarder kronor i transport- och infrastrukturprojekt i politiskt känsliga områden i landets västliga delar sedan 2012, uppger Reuters med hänvisning till regimens myndigheter.

Satsningarna har gjorts för att ”integrera den fattiga kinesiska landsbygden i landets ekonomi”, uppger den statliga utvecklings- och reformkommissionen. I väst är projektet mer känt som ”Kinas nya sidenväg” eller Belt and Road Initiative, BRI.

Av projekten som kinesiska regimen hänvisar till är 52 slutförda och de resterande 100 beräknas vara färdigställda till och med 2023.

Belt and Road Initiative
Wikipedia (en)
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) or the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road is a development strategy proposed by the Chinese government which focuses on connectivity and cooperation between Eurasian countries, primarily the People's Republic of China (PRC), the land-based Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB) and the ocean-going Maritime Silk Road (MSR). Until 2016 the initiative was known in English as the One Belt and One Road Initiative (OBOR) but the Chinese came to consider the emphasis on the word "one" as misleading.The Chinese government calls the initiative "a bid to enhance regional connectivity and embrace a brighter future". Others see it as a push by China to take a larger role in global affairs with a China-centered trading network.
Wikipedia (en)
The Uyghurs (, ) or Uygurs (as the standard romanisation in Chinese GB 3304-1991) are a Turkic ethnic group who live in East and Central Asia. Today, Uyghurs live primarily in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China, where they are one of 55 officially recognized ethnic minorities. Uyghurs primarily practice Islam. Like many populations of Central Eurasia, they are genetically related to both Caucasoid and East Asian populations.An estimated 80 per cent of Xinjiang's Uyghurs live in the southwestern portion of the region, the Tarim Basin. Outside Xinjiang, the largest community of Uyghurs in China is in Taoyuan County, in south-central Hunan. Outside of China, according to the World Uyghur Congress, the Uyghur population is believed to number 1.0–1.6 million. Significant diasporic communities of Uyghurs exist in the Central Asian countries of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan, and in Turkey. Smaller communities are found in Afghanistan, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Canada, and the United States. Since 2016, hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs have been subjected to arbitrary detention, torture in Xinjiang reeducation camps. September, 2017, Human Rights Watch released a report that said "The Chinese government should immediately free people held in unlawful 'political education' centers in Xinjiang and shut them down." United Nations and many media reports said as many as one million people are being held in such "reeducation camps" in this region.

Kinas västra gräns

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