En halv miljon bedöms vara på flykt i Kongo. (Moses Sawasawa / AP)

700 döda och tusentals skadade i Kongo-Kinshasa

700 personer har dött och 2 800 skadats i striderna Kongo-Kinshasa sedan i lördags, det uppger en talesperson för FN enligt AFP.

Den Rwanda-stödda rebellstyrkan M23 intog tidigare i veckan den staden Goma i östra delarna av landet och tros för närvarande avancera mot närliggande Bukavu.

FN:s talesperson Stephane Dujarric uppger att WHO har genomfört en beräkning av dödstalet men säger att det ”sannolikt kommer stiga”.

Under fredag höll ledare för flera länder i södra Afrika ett krismöte för att adressera situationen.

– Fred och säkerhet i vår region är ett delat ansvar, sa Zimbabwes president Emmerson Mnangagwa på mötet, enligt AFP.

March 23 Movement
Wikipedia (en)
The March 23 Movement (French: Mouvement du 23 mars), often abbreviated as M23 and also known as the Congolese Revolutionary Army (Armée révolutionnaire du Congo), is a Congolese Tutsi-led, Rwandan-backed rebel military group. Based in eastern areas of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), it operates mainly in the province of North Kivu, which borders both Uganda and Rwanda. The M23 rebellion of 2012 to 2013 against the DRC government led to the displacement of large numbers of people. On 20 November 2012, M23 took control of Goma, a provincial capital with a population of a million people, but it was requested to evacuate it by the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region because the DRC government had finally agreed to negotiate. In late 2012, Congolese troops, along with UN troops, retook control of Goma, and M23 announced a ceasefire and said that it wanted to resume peace talks. A United Nations report found that Rwanda created and commanded the M23 rebel group. Rwanda ceased its support because of international pressure and the military defeat by the DRC and the UN in 2013. In 2017, M23 elements resumed their insurgency in the DRC, but the operations of this splinter faction had little local impact. In 2022, a larger portion of M23 started an offensive, which eventually resulted in the capture of the Congolese border town of Bunagana by the rebels. In November 2022, M23 rebels got close to the city of Goma and forced about 180,000 people to leave their homes after the Congolese Army had withdrawn from the region near the village of Kibumba. In June 2023, Human Rights Watch reported human rights abuses by M23 rebels in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, including unlawful killings, rapes and other war crimes. Allegations implicate Rwandan support for these actions, bringing concerns about war crimes and making the humanitarian situation worse in the region. The United Nations Security Council encouraged sanctions against the M23 leaders and implicated Rwandan officials. As of January 2025, the group occupies various major towns in eastern North Kivu including Bunagana, Kiwanja, Kitchanga, Rubaya, Rutshuru, and the city of Goma.

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