
AI-assistenter och botar i fokus på MWC

Computer Sweden rapporterar att ”framtidens gränssnitt” är ett av de områden som det fokuseras mest på under årets upplaga av Mobile World Congress i Barcelona. Det handlar då oftast om så kallade chattbotar för meddelande-appar eller virtuella AI-baseade assistenter som exempelvis Amazons Alexa.
Computer Sweden citerar bland många experter Rob High, som är teknikchef för IBMs: AI-superdator Watson. ”Kognitiva system förstärker den mänskliga kognitionen. Artificiell intelligens är inte en kopia av den mänskliga intelligensen, den ska i stället fylla i luckor och förstärka det människor inte är så bra på” säger han, och poängterar att vi ännu bara sett början på utvecklingen.

Chattbotar på Wikipedia
Wikipedia (en)
A chatbot (also known as a talkbot, chatterbot, Bot, chatterbox, Artificial Conversational Entity) is a computer program which conducts a conversation via auditory or textual methods. Such programs are often designed to convincingly simulate how a human would behave as a conversational partner, thereby passing the Turing test. Chatterbots are typically used in dialog systems for various practical purposes including customer service or information acquisition. Some chatterbots use sophisticated natural language processing systems, but many simpler systems scan for keywords within the input, then pull a reply with the most matching keywords, or the most similar wording pattern, from a database. The term "ChatterBot" was originally coined by Michael Mauldin (creator of the first Verbot, Julia) in 1994 to describe these conversational programs. There are two main types of chatbots, one functions based on a set of rules, and the other more advanced version uses artificial intelligence. The chatbots based on rules, tend to be limited in functionality, and are as smart as they are programmed to be. On the other end, a chatbot that uses artificial intelligence, understands language, not just commands, and continuously gets smarter as it learns from conversations it has with people.
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