Jimmie Åkeson (Fredrik Sandberg/TT / TT NYHETSBYRÅN)

Åkesson ville träffa högerextremist i hemlighet

Sverigedemokraternas partiledare Jimmie Åkesson planerade att träffa den ökände högerextremisten och mångmiljonären Patrik Brinkmann i hemlighet för att be om pengar till partiet, avslöjar Aftonbladet. Mötena skulle ske, ”helt inofficiellt”, enligt en mejlkonversation mellan Jimmie Åkesson, Erik Almqvist och Kent Ekeroth.

Det var inför valet 2010 som SD jobbade aktivt med att dryga ut valkassan och diskuterade om Brinkmann kunde hjälpa till. Bland annat undrade SD-topparna om det var ”lämpligt” för Åkesson att träffa Brinkmann.

”Det kanske föreligger ett problem om du Jimmie syns så offentligt i dessa sammanhang”, skrev Ekeroth.

”Håller med i din riskanalys”, svarade då Åkesson.

Brinkmann har bland annat velat skapa en kristen front mot islam och även bildat stiftelsen Kontinent mot ”islamisering” och ”afrikansiering” av Europa.

Patrik Brinkmann
Wikipedia (en)
Jan Patrick William Brinkmann von Druffel-Egloffstein (born 1966 in Motala), is a Swedish-German businessman with interests in the mining industry. Patrik Brinkmann has funded political projects within the European right and held senior positions in conservative and nationalist organizations. Brinkmann was in the late 1980s and 1990s active mainly in real estate. During the late 1990s Brinkmann turned his attention to mineral exploration and in 2005 he founded the limited company Wiking Mineral, a prospecting and mine development company, where he and his family own more than 50 percent. Since the 1990s he has been inspired by identitarian and ethno-pluralist political currents and by the French New Right. He has worked with and for a number of European right-wing parties, including FPÖ, Vlaams Belang, UKIP, NPD and the Islamists critical Pro-Bewegung, both directly and through patron activities in support of conservative and nationalist organisations. He has been seeking to effect closer ties between European and Israeli right-wing parties and in this connection made a visit to the Knesset together with Kent Ekeroth of the Sweden Democrats and Mike Huckabee, ex-governor of Arkansas. Relations with Israel is a controversial issue that divides the European right, which is indicated by the reactions to this in both Israel and Europe. Brinkmann has also been organising conferences and collaborations between academics, writers and political activists within European right through his organisation the Continent Europe Foundation. Among others, Mikhail Gorbachevs former adviser Dashichev played an important role here, and Brinkmann has long advocated a rapprochement between Europe and Russia. Since 2011, Brinkmann is no longer politically active and instead focusses on his business engagements, which according to him suffered from the attention surrounding his political activities. When former Labour Minister Sven-Otto Littorin joined the Board of Wiking Minerals in 2012 this caused a lot of stir in the Swedish press, which ended with Littorin reporting Expressen to the Press Ombudsman. In July 2014 Brinkmann announced, through a letter to the editor, that he plans live part of his time in Hungary from now on. Discussing the reasons for his move, he states that he considers the Hungarian investment climate promising in the long term and that he appreciates the culturally conservative social climate, as well as the national conservative government. In the same article Brinkmann also praised Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orbán. Brinkmann's mother is from Germany and he grew up in Sweden. In his younger years Brinkmann was involved in the Pentecostal movement, doing humanitarian work in Sri Lanka among other places, but he has later come to approach the Orthodox Church. Since 2007 he is living mainly in Berlin, and since 2014 he shares his time between Berlin and Budapest. He is married and has six children.
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