Amazonas/Misstänkt för morden i fjol. (AP)

Amazonas riskerar att helt tas över av kriminella

Hela brasilianska Amazonas riskerar att falla i händerna på organiserade kriminella ligor. Det varnar den tidigare polischefen Alexandre Saraiva för i en intervju med The Guardian.

Saraiva, som jobbade i Amazonas mellan 2011 och 2021, säger att smugglarligornas allt större kontroll över den enorma regnskogsregionen riskerar att leda till en situation liknande den i landets näst största stad Rio de Janeiro.

Där har årtionden av strider mellan polis, kriminella ligor och paramilitära miliser resulterat i tiotusentals döda.

– Jag såg hur staten tappade kontrollen över Rio de Janeiro. Om inget görs i Amazonas nu står vi inför ett Rio de Janeiro stort som en kontinent, säger Saraiva.

Den täta regnskogen och de långa gränserna mot länder med storskalig drogproduktion gör situationen exceptionellt svår, tillägger han.

Mordet på Bruno Pereira och Dom Phillips
Wikipedia (en)
On 5 June 2022, Brazilian indigenist Bruno Pereira and British journalist Dom Phillips were murdered during a boat trip through the Vale do Javari, the second-largest indigenous area in Brazil.Two men who were brothers were arrested by the Federal Police of Brazil for suspected involvement in the murders. A few days later, one of them confessed to the murders, telling the police where he had buried the bodies as well as the location of the boat they used. The forensics investigation concluded with the identification of the bodies on 22 June. Philips' body was cremated in Niteroi in a ceremony reserved for family and close friends. Pereira's body was cremated in the city of Paulista in a ceremony that featured indigenous rituals.
Wikipedia (en)
Amazonas ([ɐmaˈzonɐs] (listen)) is a state of Brazil, located in the North Region in the northwestern corner of the country. It is the largest Brazilian state by area and the 9th largest country subdivision in the world, and the largest in South America, being greater than the areas of Uruguay, Paraguay, and Chile combined. Mostly located in the Southern Hemisphere, it is the third largest country subdivision in the Southern Hemisphere after the Australian states of Western Australia and Queensland. Entirely in the Western Hemisphere, it is the fourth largest in the Western Hemisphere after Greenland, Nunavut and Alaska. It would be the sixteenth largest country in land area, slightly larger than Mongolia. Neighbouring states are (from the north clockwise) Roraima, Pará, Mato Grosso, Rondônia, and Acre. It also borders the nations of Peru, Colombia and Venezuela. This includes the Departments of Amazonas, Vaupés and Guainía in Colombia, as well as the Amazonas state in Venezuela, and the Loreto Region in Peru. Amazonas is named after the Amazon River, and was formerly part of the Spanish Empire's Viceroyalty of Peru, a region called Spanish Guyana. It was settled by the Portuguese moving northwest from Brazil in the early 18th century and incorporated into the Portuguese empire after the Treaty of Madrid in 1750. It became a state under the First Brazilian Republic in 1889. Most of the state is tropical jungle; cities are clustered along navigable waterways and are accessible only by boat or plane. The capital and largest city is Manaus, a modern city of 2.1 million inhabitants in the middle of the jungle on the Amazon River, 1,500 km upstream from the Atlantic Ocean. Nearly half the state's population lives in the city; the other large cities, Parintins, Manacapuru, Itacoatiara, Tefé, and Coari are also along the Amazon River in the eastern half of the state.
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