En vallokalsarbetare i en vallokal i Johannesburg. (Ben Curtis / TT NYHETSBYRÅN)

Analys: Splittring inom ANC är största problemet

Även om ANC-ledaren Cyril Ramaphosa vinner presidentvalet i Sydafrika i morgon kommer han få stora problem med att blidka kritiker i de egna leden, skriver Eusebius McKaiser i en analys i Foreign Policy.

Många partimedlemmar tillskansade sig privata fördelar under den föregående presidenten Jacob Zumas tid vid makten och känner oro för Ramaphosas löfte om att bekämpa korruptionen.

”Han (Ramaphosa) kan vara den bästa ledaren som finns till hands, men han kan inte styra landet effektivt om halva parlamentet är korrupt”, skriver McKaiser i analysen.

Steven Friedman är inne på samma spår i en analys i The Conversation. Han menar att de olika falangerna inom ANC ofta står längre ifrån varandra än från delar av oppositionen.

”Det sydafrikanska valet handlar mer om strider inom ANC än mot andra partier”, konstaterar han.

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African National Congress
Wikipedia (en)
The African National Congress (ANC) is the Republic of South Africa's governing political party. It has been the ruling party of post-apartheid South Africa since the election of Nelson Mandela in the 1994 election, winning every election since then. Cyril Ramaphosa, the incumbent President of South Africa, has served as leader of the ANC since 18 December 2017.Founded on 8 January 1912 by John Langalibalele Dube in Bloemfontein as the South African Native National Congress (SANNC), its primary mission was to bring all Africans together as one people, to defend their rights and freedoms. This included giving full voting rights to black South Africans and mixed-race South Africans and, from 1948 onwards, to end the system of apartheid introduced by the Nationalist Party government after their election (by White voters only) in that year.The ANC originally attempted to use non-violent protests to end apartheid; however, the Sharpeville massacre in March 1960, in which 69 black Africans were shot and killed by police and hundreds wounded during a peaceful protest, contributed to deteriorating relations with the South African government. On 8 April 1960, the administration of Charles Robberts Swart banned the ANC in South Africa. After the ban, the ANC formed the Umkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation) to fight against apartheid utilising guerrilla warfare and sabotage. After many years of struggle, during which many ANC members had been imprisoned or forced into exile, the country began its move towards full democracy. On 3 February 1990, State President F. W. de Klerk lifted the ban on the ANC and released Nelson Mandela from prison on 11 February 1990. On 17 March 1992, the apartheid referendum was passed by the voters, removing apartheid and allowing the ANC to run in the 1994 election, which for the first time allowed all South Africans to vote for their national government. Since the 1994 election the ANC has performed better than 60% in all general elections, including the most recent 2014 election.
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