Axl Rose. (Joel C Ryan / AP)

Axl Rose anklagas för 34 år gammalt sexövergrepp

Axl Rose, sångare i det ikoniska rockbandet Guns N’ Roses, anklagas för ett sexuellt övergrepp som ska ha inträffat 1989. Det rapporterar AFP.

Enligt anmälan begick Rose det våldsamma övergreppet mot skådespelaren och modellen Sheila Kennedy. Bland annat ska han ha knuffat omkull henne, släpat henne över golvet och bundit henne, skriver The Guardian.

Övergreppet ska ha inträffat på ett hotellrum i New York efter att de två möttes på en nattklubb. Rose, vars riktiga namn är William Bruce Rose, har inte kommenterat anklagelserna.

Enligt Kennedys advokat gjordes anmälan inom ramen för den tillfälliga lagen Adult Survivors Act i New York, som i ett års tid har upphävt tidsbegränsningen på tre år för att anmäla sexövergrepp.

Axl Rose
Wikipedia (en)
W. Axl Rose (born William Bruce Rose Jr.; born February 6, 1962) is an American singer and songwriter. He is best known for being the lead vocalist and lyricist of the hard rock band Guns N' Roses, and has been the band's sole constant member since its inception in 1985. Possessing a distinctive and powerful wide-ranging voice, Rose has been named one of the greatest singers of all time by various media outlets, including Rolling Stone, NME and Billboard.Born and raised in Lafayette, Indiana, Axl Rose moved to Los Angeles, California in the early 1980s with his friend Jeffrey Isbell (Izzy Stradlin). This is where he became active in the local hard rock scene and joined several bands, including Hollywood Rose and L.A. Guns. In 1985, he co-founded Guns N' Roses alongside Stradlin, with whom he had great success and recognition in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Their first album, Appetite for Destruction (1987), has sold in excess of 30 million copies worldwide and is the best-selling debut album of all time in the U.S. with 18 million units sold. Rose’s high-profile relationships with Erin Everly and Stephanie Seymour in the late 80’s and early 90’s inspired multiple songs, including the number one hit “Sweet Child o' Mine”. However allegations of abuse by Rose caused significant controversy, as did the band’s next release G N' R Lies (1988) due to his inclusion of multiple slurs on the song “One in a Million”.Guns N’ Roses’ next releases, the twin albums Use Your Illusion I and Use Your Illusion II (1991), were widely successful; debuting at No. 2 and No. 1 on the Billboard 200 and sold a combined 35 million copies worldwide. Controversy followed Rose during the two-and-a-half-year Use Your Illusion Tour, with riots (including his arrest for inciting the Riverport Riot), rants against the media and bandmates between songs, and feuds with other artists including Metallica and Nirvana. The punk covers album "The Spaghetti Incident?" (1993) failed to match the success of previous albums, with Rose's cover of a Charles Manson song gaining notoriety. After the tour, in 1994, Rose disappeared from public eye while Guns N’ Roses stalled on making a new album. The band started to fall apart due to personal and musical differences, primarily between Rose and lead guitarist Slash. By the time work on a new album was underway in 1998, only Rose and keyboardist Dizzy Reed remained from the previous tour lineup. In 2001, Rose, the only remaining original member, resurfaced alongside the new line-up of Guns N' Roses at Rock in Rio 3, and subsequently played the decade-long Chinese Democracy Tour to promote the long-delayed Chinese Democracy (2008), the most expensive rock album to ever be produced.In 2012, Rose was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of Guns N' Roses, though he requested exclusion from the Hall. Rose’s longstanding public feud with Slash ended when Slash and bassist Duff McKagan rejoined Guns N’ Roses in 2016 for the record-breaking Not in This Lifetime... Tour. Also in 2016, Rose toured with AC/DC as a fill-in vocalist for two dozen shows. The NITL tour lineup of Guns N' Roses continued touring in 2020, as well as occasionally released new singles.
Adult Survivors Act
Wikipedia (en)
The Adult Survivors Act (ASA) is New York State legislation enacted in May 2022 which amends state law to allow alleged victims of sexual offenses for which the statute of limitations has lapsed to file civil suits for a one-year period, from November 24, 2022, to November 24, 2023. The act thus expands the ability of plaintiffs to sue for sexual assault and unwanted sexual contact in the workplace.

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