Caixabank-kontor i Barcelona på torsdagen. (SUSANA VERA / TT NYHETSBYRÅN)

Bank lämnar Katalonien – utnyttjar ny flyttlag

Caixabanks styrelse har beslutat att flytta sitt huvudkontor från Katalonien till Valencia, skriver El País. Efter ett tre timmar långt möte på fredagen uppges ledningen för landets tredje största bank ha gett grönt ljus för flytten.

På grund av en ny lag Spanien klubbade på fredagen behövde styrelsen inte aktieägarnas godkännande, skriver El País.

I går meddelade Sabadell – landets femte största bank – att huvudkontoret flyttas från Katalonien till Alicante.

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Wikipedia (en)
CaixaBank, S.A. (Catalan pronunciation: [ˌkaʃəˈbaŋ]), formerly Criteria CaixaCorp, is a Spanish financial services company owned by the Catalan savings bank La Caixa with a 72.76% stake. Headquartered in Barcelona, the company consists of the universal banking and insurance activities of the La Caixa group, along with the group's stakes in the oil and gas firm Repsol, the telecommunications company Telefónica and its holdings in several other financial institutions. It is Spain's third-largest lender by market value and with 6,631 branches to serve its 13.2 million customers, CaixaBank has the most extensive branch network in the Spanish market.
Banco Sabadell
Wikipedia (en)
Banco de Sabadell, S.A. (Catalan: Banc Sabadell) is a banking group headquartered in Sabadell, Spain. It is the fifth-largest Spanish banking group. It includes several banks, brands, subsidiaries and associated banks. It is a universal bank and specialises in serving small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and the affluent with a bias towards international trade. As of January 2016, the total assets of Banco Sabadell Group amounted to €208,628 billion. It has a network of 2,873 branches (2,204 domestic and 669 international), 26,090 employees and 11.4 million customers. It is quoted on the Bolsa de Madrid and forms part of the IBEX 35.
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