Behåller plats i parlamentet – reaktionen är oslagbar
Labours Jeremy Corbyn var säkert glad över partiets framgångar i brittiska valet. Men gladast av dem alla var partikollegan Clive Lewis – när han fick reda på att han behåller sin plats i parlamentet. När hans namn läses upp slår han sig för bröstet och brister ut ett glädjevrål. De brittiska medierna älskar det: ”Briljant”, skriver Mirror om klippet.
Norwich South Clive Lewis representerar valkretsen
Wikipedia (en)
Clive Anthony Lewis (born 11 September 1971) is a British Labour politician who has been the member of parliament (MP) for Norwich South since winning the seat at the 2015 general election from the sitting Liberal Democrat Simon Wright.
Lewis was born in London but grew up on a council estate in Northampton. He studied economics at the University of Bradford before being elected to various student union roles and then serving as vice-president of the National Union of Students. Lewis then worked as a TV reporter for BBC News, becoming BBC Look East's chief political correspondent. He was also one of the Labour government's National Black Role Models. In 2006, he passed out of Sandhurst as an infantry officer with the Territorial Army, and he served a three-month tour of duty in Afghanistan in 2009.
Selected as a candidate for Norwich South in 2011, Lewis often broke the party line on issues including nuclear weapons, tuition fees and immigration. Describing himself as a "proud socialist", he was elected by a comfortable margin as an MP for Norwich South. He was subsequently appointed as the Chair of the Humanist APPG. During the 2015 Labour leadership election, he was one of 36 MPs to nominate Jeremy Corbyn, and has remained a strong supporter. Appointed to Corbyn's Shadow Cabinet as Shadow Secretary of State for Defence in June 2016, Lewis was appointed Shadow Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy in the October 2016 reshuffle. He left the Shadow Cabinet on 8 February 2017 in protest over the Labour Party's decision to whip its MPs into voting to trigger Article 50.
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