Belgien behåller rekord för längst tid utan regering
Lösningen på dödläget i spansk politik innebär att Belgien kan andas ut. Landet behåller därmed sitt rekord: den lägsta tiden ett land varit utan regering, skriver AFP. Belgien saknade regering under 541 dagar under perioden 2010–2011. Fram tills de spanska socialisterna bestämde sig för att släppa fram premiärminister Mariano Rajoys högerregering såg landet ut att vara på väg att gå om belgarna.
Belgiens 541 dagar utan regering
Wikipedia (en)
Following the Belgian general election held on 13 June 2010, a process of cabinet formation started in Belgium. The election produced a very fragmented political landscape, with 11 parties elected to the Chamber of Representatives, none of which won more than 20% of the seats. The separatist New Flemish Alliance (N-VA), the largest party in Flanders and the country as a whole, controls 27 of 150 seats in the lower chamber. The Francophone Socialist Party (PS), the largest in Wallonia, controls 26 seats. Cabinet negotiations continued for a long time. On 1 June 2011, Belgium matched the record for time taken to form a new democratic government after an election, at 353 days, held until then by Cambodia in 2003–2004. On 11 October 2011, the final agreement for institutional reform was presented to the media. A government coalition was named on 5 December 2011 and sworn in after a total of 541 days of negotiations and formation on 6 December 2011, and 589 days without an elected government with Elio Di Rupo named Prime Minister of the Di Rupo I Government.
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