Phil Neville. (Jon Super / TT / NTB Scanpix)

Ber om ursäkt för sexistiska inlägg: ”Inte vem jag är”

Den nyutnämnde förbundskaptenen för Englands damlandslag i fotboll, Phil Neville, ber nu om ursäkt efter kritiken mot hans sexistiska inlägg på Twitter.

”Med anledning av mina kommentarer för ett antal år sedan vill jag klargöra att de inte speglar min karaktär eller mina övertygelser”, säger han i ett pressmeddelande där han också ber om ursäkt.

”Jag är fullt medveten om mitt ansvar som Englands förbundskapten och är oerhört stolt och hedrad att ha fått rollen. Jag ser nu fram emot framtiden och kommer att arbeta outtröttligt för att försöka nå succé med laget”, tillägger han.

BBC-journalisten Dan Roan har publicerat de nu borttagna inläggen. Bland annat har Neville twittrat: ”Slappna av, jag har lugnat ner mig igen. Misshandlade precis min fru!!! Känns bättre nu” och ”Ni kvinnor vill alltid ha jämlikhet tills det är dags att betala räkningarna. Hycklare”.

Phil Neville
Wikipedia (en)
Philip John Neville (born 21 January 1977) is an English football former football player and current television pundit for Sky Sports, who is the co-owner of Salford City. After 10 years as a professional with Manchester United, during which time he won six Premier League titles, three FA Cups, three FA Charity Shields, the Intercontinental Cup and the Champions League, he joined Everton in 2005, where he spent the final eight years of his playing career. Neville also played for England 59 times between 1996 and 2007, representing the nation at three European Championships. He could play in defence or midfield; due to this versatility, he operated in a number of different positions throughout his career, but was most often used as a full-back. After earning his UEFA B Coaching Licence, Neville began his coaching career in 2012, filling in for Stuart Pearce with the England under-21s. When David Moyes, Neville's manager at Everton, left to join Manchester United as Sir Alex Ferguson's replacement in May 2013, Neville was considered for the Everton job, but he ultimately followed Moyes to Manchester United as the club's first-team coach. Neville retained his position under interim manager Ryan Giggs after Moyes was sacked in April 2014, but left the club when Louis van Gaal took over in July 2014. Neville is the younger brother of fellow former Manchester United defender Gary Neville, and the twin brother of England netball international Tracey Neville. His father, Neville Neville, was commercial director of Bury.
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