Festivalens statyetter. (Hannibal Hanschke / AP)

Berlins filmfestival inleds med hårda restriktioner

På torsdagen inleds Berlins filmfestival i ett högst coronapräglat format, rapporterar TT.

Festivalen är kortad från tio till sex dagar, och alla – även vaccinerade – måste testa sig varje morgon för att få tillträde till festivalen. Få gästande Hollywoodstjärnor och osäkerhet kring restriktionerna gör att betydligt färre journalister än vanligt är tillresta.

Enbart 50 procent av sittplatserna får användas, och besökare ska bära FFP2-munskydd, skriver Deadline. Flera testningsbås har också satts upp.

Den svenska skådespelaren Evin Ahmad, som slagit igenom med sin roll i ”Snabba cash”, har av European Film Promotion (EFP) utnämnts till Shooting star och ska presenteras för den europeiska filmpubliken på festivalen.

Berlins filmfestival
Wikipedia (en)
The Berlin International Film Festival (German: Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin), usually called the Berlinale, is a film festival held annually in Berlin, Germany. Founded in West Berlin in 1951, the festival has been held every February since 1978 and is one of the "Big Three" alongside the Venice Film Festival in Italy and the Cannes Film Festival in France. Since 2019, Mariette Rissenbeek serves as the executive director of the festival, while Carlo Chatrian is the artistic director.With around 300,000 tickets sold and 500,000 admissions each year, it has the largest public attendance of any annual film festival. Up to 400 films are shown in several sections across cinematic genres. Around twenty films compete for the festival's top awards, called the Golden Bear and several Silver Bears.The European Film Market (EFM), a film trade fair held simultaneously to the Berlinale, is a major industry meeting for the international film circuit. The trade fair serves distributors, film buyers, producers, financiers and co-production agents. The Berlinale Talents, a week-long series of lectures and workshops, is a gathering of young filmmakers held in partnership with the festival.The film festival, EFM, and other satellite events are attended by around 20,000 professionals from over 130 countries every year. More than 4,200 journalists produce media coverage in over 110 countries. At some high-profile feature film premieres held during the festival, movie stars and celebrities are present and photographed on a red carpet.
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