Putin/Södermalm/Erdogan. (TT)

Bilden av Sverige försämrad i Ryssland och Turkiet

Bilden av Sverige har försämrats i bland annat Ryssland, Kina och Turkiet, visar en ny undersökning enligt TT. I undersökningen, Nation Brands Index (NBI), tillfrågas över 60 000 personer i 20 länder om sin syn på 60 andra länder.

I Kina och Ryssland har Sveriges placering sjunkit med sju platser till tretton respektive tio och i Turkiet har den sjunkit med fyra platser till plats elva. Lägst plats har Sverige i Saudiarabien där vi hamnar på plats 16.

”Vi ser att årets resultat präglas av det försämrade säkerhetsläget i världen. Sveriges ansökan om Natomedlemskap samt att vi tillsammans med stora delar av västvärlden har uttryckt vårt stöd för Ukraina har fått viss effekt på bilden av Sverige”, skriver Madeleine Sjöstedt, generaldirektör för Svenska institutet, till TT.

Generellt behåller Sverige däremot sin nionde plats från i fjol.

Nation branding
Wikipedia (en)
Nation branding aims to measure, build and manage the reputation of countries (closely related to place branding). In the book Diplomacy in a Globalizing World: Theories and Practices, the authors define nation branding as “the application of corporate marketing concepts and techniques to countries, in the interests of enhancing their reputation in international relations.” Many nations try to make brands in order to build relationships between different actors that are not restricted to nations. It extends to public and private sectors in a nation and helps with nationalism. States also want to participate in multilateral projects. Some approaches applied, such as an increasing importance on the symbolic value of products, have led countries to emphasize their distinctive characteristics. The branding and image of a nation-state "and the successful transference of this image to its exports - is just as important as what they actually produce and sell." This is also referred to as country-of-origin effect. Nation branding is a developing field in which scholars continue their search for a unified theoretical framework. Many nations aim to improve their country's standing, as the image and reputation of a nation can dramatically influence its economic vitality. They seek to attract tourism and investment capital, increase exports, attract a talented and creative workforce, and enhance their cultural and political influence in the world. Different ways that nation project their nation brand include export, foreign direct investment, and tourism. One example of exporting products is that the country Germany is known for their motor industry because famous car companies like Mercedes, Audi, and BMW are German companies. An example of foreign direct investments that help the nation brand are US companies building maquiladoras and other European countries having factories in different countries.
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