
Bluffbolag lurar svenska sparare tre gånger om

Sedan årsskiftet har 496 nya bluffbolag lagts till på Finansinspektionens varningslista över företag som lurar svenska sparare, skriver DI. Senast i förra veckan varnade FI för bland annat Onecoin som erbjuder investeringar i en påstådd kryptovaluta.

Ofta försöker utländska bluffbolag lura privatpersoner att köpa onoterade aktier. Enligt DI är deras strategi att blåsa dig inte mindre än tre gånger: Först genom att sälja på dig produkten, sedan genom att köpa tillbaka den och till sist erbjuda sig att rädda dig.

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Wikipedia (en)
Onecoin is a Ponzi scheme promoted as a virtual cryptocoin with a private blockchain. It is promoted by Onecoin Ltd, an offshore Gibraltar company led by the Bulgarian Ruja Ignatova. Onecoin has been described as a Ponzi scheme, both because of how it has been set up and because of many of the people who are central to Onecoin having previously been involved in other such schemes. In Hungary the Central Bank has issued a warning that Onecoin is a pyramid scheme. And in China, several members and investors of OneCoin were arrested in 2016 and $30.8 million USD of assets were seized. In February 2017 German Federal Financial Services Supervisory Authority, BaFin, froze all the remaining active bank accounts that were used laundering money for OneCoin network. Total of 29 million euros remains frozen on these accounts. Also, BaFin ordered IMS International Marketing Services GmbH to cease all unauthorized money transactions related to OneCoin and to return the most recent money transactions to their investors. In December of 2016, The Italian Antitrust Authority (Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato) "adopted an interim injunction against the company One Network Services Ltd., active in the promotion and dissemination of cryptocurrency OneCoin...", and its representatives in Italy, describing their activities as an "illegal pyramid sales system" ("sistema di vendita piramidale vietato dalla legge"), and ordering them to cease promoting and selling Onecoin in Italy On 27 February 2017, after concluding their investigation, AGCM banned all activity on Onecoin until further notice. The British newspaper Mirror wrote that OneCoin / OneLife is a get-rich-quick scheme scam and a cult. Also Mirror has explained why OneCoin is worthless. Bitcoin.com has given detailed evidence that Onecoin is an extensive ponzi scheme scam. The company and the scheme is on the observation lists of many authorities, among them are authorities in Bulgaria, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Latvia. Currently, none of the countries have declared Onecoin as criminal activity, but authorities have warned of potential risks involved in businesses like Onecoin. On 30 September 2015, Bulgaria's Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) issued a warning of potential risks in new cryptocurrencies, citing Onecoin as an example. After the warning, Onecoin ceased all activity in Bulgaria and started to use banks in foreign countries to handle wire transfers from participants. In March 2016, The Direct Selling Association in Norway warned against Onecoin, comparing it to a pyramid scheme. In March 2017, the Croatian National Bank advised the public to be "very cautious" in decisions involving Onecoin, noting that it is not regulated in any way, and that possible losses will be fully borne by the investors.
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