Arkivbild: Lekande barn i Nordkorea (David Guttenfelder / TT / NTB Scanpix)

Bok smugglad ur Nordkorea ges ut på svenska

Novellsamlingen ”Anklagelsen” är skriven av en person med pseudonymen Bandi och manuskriptet ska ha smugglats ut ur Nordkorea där författaren fortfarande lever. Nu arbetar förlaget Natur & Kultur med att ge ut en svensk översättning.
– Jag har arbetat med koreansk litteratur i över tio år och har aldrig kommit över någonting som liknar Bandis verk, säger den amerikanska förläggaren Barbara Zitwer till The Guardian.

Nordkoreansk litteratur
Wikipedia (en)
This article deals with the literature of the northern half of the Korean peninsula following the proclamation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) in 1948. For the literature of Korea before that date, see: Korean literature. The partition of Korea following the Second World War led to a considerable cross-border movement, which included writers moving from North to South or from South to North. North Korea's subsequent literary tradition was shaped and controlled by the State. The "Guidelines for Juche Literature", published by the official Choson Writers' Alliance (Chosŏn'gŭl: 조선 작가 동맹), emphasised that literature must extoll the country's leader, Kim Il-sung, and, later, Kim Jong-il. Only members of the Writers' Alliance are authorised to have their works published. ^ a b c Matthew Dennis, ed. ""North Korea: Culture and Lifestyle." World Geography and Culture Online". Facts On File. Retrieved August 15, 2015. ^ ^ Hayun Jung (October 2006). "An Interview with Hayun Jung". Words without Borders. Retrieved August 15, 2015. all publications are strictly controlled by the Choson Writers Alliance
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