Bolivias president erkänner sig besegrad
Socialistpartiet Mas med presidentkandidaten Luis Arces har förklarat sig som segrare i Bolivias presidentval. Det rapporterar AP. Efter att en snabb stickprovsundersökning genomförts i flera distrikt så ser socialistpartiet ut att åter ta makten.
Den tillfälliga presidenten Jeanine Áñez, som är en stark kritiker av tidigare Mas-presidenten Evo Morales, har erkänt partiet som segrare.
”Jag gratulerar valets vinnare”, skriver hon på Twitter.
Luis Arce
Wikipedia (en)
Luis Alberto Arce Catacora (born 28 September 1963) is a Bolivian politician who served as the Minister of Economy and Public Finance under President Evo Morales. He is the presidential candidate of MAS-IPSP in the 2020 Bolivian general election.
Jeanine Áñez
Wikipedia (en)
Jeanine Áñez Chávez (Spanish pronunciation: [ɟʝaˈnine ˈaɲes]; born 13 August 1967) is a Bolivian politician and lawyer who has served as the interim president of Bolivia since November 2019, after the resignation of the Government of Evo Morales. Her interim presidency will end when new elections take place in 2020. She is Bolivia's second female president, after Lidia Gueiler Tejada, who served as interim president from 1979 to 1980 before losing the 1980 Bolivian general election.
Áñez was previously an opposition senator from the northeastern department of Beni, belonging to the center-right Democrat Social Movement, which belongs to the Democratic Unity (UD) coalition of parties in Bolivia's legislative assemblies. From January to September 2020, she ran for president as part of the "Juntos Avancemos" alliance, a coalition of the Democrat Social Movement party and four other parties. She is a strong critic of Morales.
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