Bomber faller över Charkiv: ”Sker på ett rasande sätt”
Ukrainas näst största stad Charkiv är under tungt bombardemang. Det säger borgmästaren Ihor Terechov enligt Reuters.
– Ryssland bombar staden på ett rasande sätt, säger han i ett tv-sänt tal.
Enligt Terechov befinner sig fortfarande omkring en miljon invånare i staden, medan cirka 30 procent av invånarna har lämnat.
Ukrainas största städer
Wikipedia (en)
This is a complete list of cities in Ukraine. On 1 January 2010 there were 459 cities (Ukrainian: місто, misto) in Ukraine. City status is granted on the decision of the Ukrainian parliament (Verkhovna Rada). The city status is only partially related to the size of a populated place in Ukraine.
Smaller settlements are villages (Ukrainian: село, selo) and urban-type settlements comparable with towns in English speaking countries.
Historically, there existed systems of city rights, granted by the territorial lords, which defined the status of a place: a misto or selo. Cities were self-governing and had several privileges.
The cities with special status are shown in italic.
Below is the list of all cities estimated by population in 2021 and compared to the 2001 Ukrainian Census, except for Chernobyl for which population is an unofficial estimate.
Charkiv, Ukraina
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