David Koch, årtal okänt/protestdemonstration mot Koch och den republikanska utbildningsministern Betsy DeVos. (TT)

”Bröderna Koch förändrade politiken i USA i grunden”

Med undantag för det republikanska partiet finns det inga som haft sådan påverkan på den amerikanska högern som David Koch och hans bror Charles. Det skriver Bloomberg i sin runa över David Koch efter miljardärens död i dag.

Tidningen skriver att Koch, den åttonde rikaste mannen i världen, omformade amerikansk politik i grunden. Tillsammans med sin bror pumpade han in tiotals miljoner dollar till stöd för konservativa politiker och kampanjer.

Kochbröderna anses bland annat ha underblåst tea party-rörelsen och ha lett motståndet mot Barack Obamas sjukvårdsreform och klimatregleringar, skriver The Guardian.

David Koch
Wikipedia (en)
David Hamilton Koch (; born May 3, 1940, died August 23, 2019) was an American businessman, philanthropist, political activist, and chemical engineer. He joined the family business Koch Industries, the second-largest privately held company in the United States, in 1970. He became president of the subsidiary Koch Engineering in 1979, and became a co-owner of Koch Industries, with older brother Charles, in 1983. He served as an executive vice president until his retirement in 2018. Upon retirement in June 2018 due to health issues, Koch received the title of Director Emeritus. Koch is an influential libertarian. He was the 1980 candidate for Vice President of the United States from the United States Libertarian Party and helped finance the campaign. He founded Citizens for a Sound Economy. He and his brother Charles have donated to political advocacy groups and to political campaigns, almost entirely Republican. As of June 2019, he was ranked as the 11th-richest person in the world, (tied with his brother Charles), with a fortune of $48 billion.Condé Nast Portfolio described him as "one of the most generous but low-key philanthropists in America". Koch has contributed to several charities including Lincoln Center, Sloan Kettering, New York-Presbyterian Hospital and the Dinosaur Wing at the American Museum of Natural History. The New York State Theater at Lincoln Center, home of the New York City Ballet, was renamed the David H. Koch Theater in 2008 following a gift of $100 million for the renovation of the theater. Koch was the fourth richest person in the US as of 2012, and the wealthiest resident of New York City as of 2013.As of June 2018, he was ranked as the 11th-richest person in the world, with an estimated net worth of $51 billion.
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