Anhängare till tidigare presidenten Park Geun-Hye, som fällts i korruptionshärvan, marscherar i Seoul och kräver att hon släpps fri. (Lee Jin-man / TT NYHETSBYRÅN)

Chaebol-systemet bidrog till Sydkoreas uppsving

Domen mot Samusungtoppen Lee Jae-Yong ses som ett hårt slag inte bara mot honom själv och bolaget, utan också gentemot de familjeägda företagsimperierna, så kallade chaebol, som spelar en stor roll i landet.

Efter Koreakriget genomgick Sydkorea ett ekonomiskt under, som på engelska fått namnet ”Miracle on the Han River” (”Miraklet vid Hanfloden”). Till stor del byggdes det upp av konglomeraten, rapporterar AFP.

Systemet byggde på förmånliga villkor, toppstyrning och täta och ofta korrupta kontakter mellan den politiska och ekonomiska makten.

Bland de mest kända familjebolagen märks i dag förutom Samsung även LG och Hyundai.

Miracle on the Han River
Wikipedia (en)
The Miracle on the Han River refers to the period of rapid economic growth in South Korea following the Korean War (1950–1953), during which South Korea transformed from a developing country to a developed country. The rapid reconstruction and development of the South Korean economy during the latter half of the 20th century was accompanied by events such as the country's successful hosting of the 1988 Summer Olympics and its co-hosting of the 2002 FIFA World Cup, as well as the ascension of family-owned conglomerates known as chaebols, such as Samsung, LG, and Hyundai. The term "Miracle on the Han River" was coined after the phrase "Miracle on the Rhine" was used to refer to the economic rebirth of West Germany after World War II. This analogy was incorporated by Chang Myon, prime minister of the Second Republic of South Korea, in his New Year's address of 1961, in which he encouraged South Koreans to bear difficulties in the hope of achieving a similar economic upturn. The resultant growth has been attributed to the hard work of the labour force, in terms of which the phrase's use of "miracle" may be seen as a misnomer. Following the Miracle on the Han River, South Korea has been held as an economic model for other developing countries and acceded to the G20 in November 2010, capping a successful sixty-some years of rebuilding and modernization.
Wikipedia (sv)
Chaebol (hanja: 財閥, hangul:재벌, chaebŏl) kallas de stora koreanska företagskonglomerat som efter stillahavskriget bildades i Sydkorea. Förebilden till chaebol var de japanska zaibatsuerna. De största konglomeraten är i dag Samsung, Hyundai, LG, SK, Hanjin, Lotte, Doosan, Hanhwa och Kumho Asiana.
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