Distanserat första möte mellan Biden och Bolsonaro
Ett första officiellt möte har hållits mellan USA:s president Joe Biden och Brasiliens president Jair Bolsonaro. Enligt ett uttalande från Vita huset enades de båda ledarna om att förhindra ytterligare avverkning av Amazonas skogar.
Mötet i Los Angeles beskrivs som hastigt arrangerat och hölls på Bidens initiativ, skriver Reuters. Under pressträffen höll Biden och Bolsonaro avstånd till varandra och undvek ögonkontakt.
Efter mötet uttryckte sig Bolsonaro på nytt hyllande om ex-presidenten Donald Trump och uttryckte misstro mot Bidens seger i presidentvalet 2020.
Relationen mellan Brasilien och USA
Wikipedia (en)
The United States became the first country to recognize the independence of Brazil, and Brazil was the only South American nation to send troops to fight alongside the Allies in World War II. Though never openly confrontational towards each other, the two countries have had relatively-distant relations, with brief periods of co-operation. While Brazilian-American relations strengthened significantly after the election of Dilma Rousseff as president of Brazil in 2010 and the recent deterioration of Brazil–Iran relations, there has been a period of tension in relations over the June 2013 revelation of US mass surveillance programs in Brazil after there had been proof of American spying on Rousseff. Rousseff cancelled a scheduled visit to the US in September 2013 in protest over such revelations. Relations have improved markedly since Rousseff's state visit on June 30, 2015 to the United States, nearly two years after she had canceled a previous visit to the United States over the spying scandals. In 2019 with the victory of Jair Bolsonaro, the two countries approached again, signing deals in the areas of research, security and defense.
In addition, the two countries share membership in a variety of international organizations, including the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the Organization of American States, the G8+5, and the Group of 20. Brazil is one of the most pro-American nations in the world. According to a global opinion poll, 65% of Brazilians viewed the US favorably in 2014, increasing to 73% in 2015. In 2015, 63% of Brazilians said they were confident that Obama would do the right thing in world affairs. In another poll conducted at the end of 2013, 61% of Americans viewed Brazil favorably, with 15% viewing it unfavorably.
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