Dödsorsaken fastställd – Ivana Trump dog av fall
Ivana Trump, USA:s förre president Donald Trumps exfru, dog av skador på överkroppen som hon ådrog sig i ett fall i en trappa i sitt hem. Det visar utredningen av dödsfallet, rapporterar The Guardian.
Den 73-åriga Trump hittades nedanför trapporna i sitt hem på Manhattan på torsdagen. Ambulanspersonal dödförklarade henne på platsen.
Donald och Ivana Trump gifte sig 1977 och fick barnen Donald Trump Jr, Ivanka Trump och Eric Trump tillsammans. De skilde sig 1992.
Ivana Trump
Wikipedia (en)
Ivana Marie Trump (née Zelníčková, Czech: [ˈzɛlɲiːtʃkovaː]; February 20, 1949 – July 14, 2022) was a Czech-American businesswoman, media personality, fashion designer, author, and model. She was the first wife of former President of the United States Donald Trump from 1977 to 1992. She lived in Canada in the 1970s before immigrating to the United States, and held key managerial positions in The Trump Organization as vice president of interior design, as CEO and president of Trump's Castle casino resort, and as manager of the Plaza Hotel.
Ivana and Donald were prominent figures in New York society throughout the 1980s. The couple's divorce, finalized in 1992, was the subject of extensive media coverage. Following the divorce, she developed her own lines of clothing, fashion jewelry, and beauty products which were sold on QVC London and the Home Shopping Network. Ivana wrote an advice column for Globe called "Ask Ivana" from 1995 through 2010 and published several books including works of fiction, self-help, and the autobiography Raising Trump.
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