
Donald Trump har vittnat i förtalsmål om våldtäkt

USA:s tidigare president Donald Trump har vittnat i ett förtalsmål som har sin bakgrund i anklagelser om att han våldtagit E Jean Carroll, en tidigare skribent för magasinet Elle.

Hon uppgav i en bok 2019 att Trump våldtog henne på ett lyxigt varuhus på Manhattan i New York på 90-talet, något som Trump har sagt är en ”fullkomlig lögn”. Carroll menar att Trumps uttalanden har skadat hennes rykte och har stämt ex-presidenten.

Carrolls advokater ska ha frågat ut Trump under onsdagen men vad som sades är inte känt, skriver AP.

Donald Trumps rättsliga processer
Wikipedia (en)
In June 2016, USA Today published an analysis of litigation involving Donald Trump, which found that over the previous three decades Trump and his businesses had been involved in 3,500 legal cases in U.S. federal and state courts, an unprecedented number for a U.S. presidential candidate. Of the 3,500 suits, Trump or one of his companies were plaintiffs in 1,900; defendants in 1,450; and bankruptcy, third party, or other in 150. Trump was named in at least 169 suits in federal court. Over 150 other cases were in the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit Court of Florida (covering Broward County, Florida) since 1983. In the 1,300 cases where the record establishes the outcome, Trump settled 175 times, lost 38, won 450, and had another 137 cases end with some other outcome. In the other 500 cases, judges dismissed plaintiffs' claims against Trump.Trump's legal issues have continued since the publication of the 2016 USA Today article and his election as President of the United States. Between October 2021 and July 2022 alone, the Republican National Committee paid more than $2 million to attorneys representing Trump in his capacity as President and in his personal and business capacities.The topics of the legal cases include but have not been limited to contract disputes, defamation claims, and allegations of sexual harassment. Trump's companies have been involved in more than 100 tax disputes, and on at least 36 occasions the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance has obtained tax liens against Trump properties for nonpayment of taxes. On a number of occasions, Trump has threatened legal action but did not ultimately follow through.Of Trump's involvement in the lawsuits, his lawyer Alan Garten said in 2015 that this was "a natural part of doing business" in the United States and, in the real estate industry, litigation to enforce contracts and resolve business disputes is indeed common. Trump has, however, been involved in far more litigation than fellow real-estate magnates; the USA Today analysis in 2016 found that Trump had been involved in more legal disputes than Edward J. DeBartolo Jr., Donald Bren, Stephen M. Ross, Sam Zell, and Larry Silverstein combined.The Trump lawsuits have attracted criticism from Trump's opponents, who say that this is not a trait that conservatives should support. James Copland, director of legal policy at the conservative-leaning Manhattan Institute, states that "Trump clearly has an affinity for filing lawsuits, partly because he owns a lot of businesses" and has sometimes used litigation as a "bullying tactic".Although Trump has said that he "never" settles legal claims, Trump and his businesses have settled with plaintiffs in at least 100 cases (mostly involving personal injury claims arising from injuries at Trump properties), with settlements ranging as high as hundreds of thousands of U.S. dollars and as high as tens of millions of dollars. In the Trump University litigation, three legal actions were brought alleging fraud, one by the New York State attorney general and the others by class action plaintiffs. In November 2016, Trump agreed to pay $25 million to settle the litigation. An overview of Trump's legal involvements, as of September 19, 2022, were described in detail in The New York Times.

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