(Cliff Owen / TT / NTB Scanpix)

Dramatiska förändringar väntar Federal Reserve

Med New York-chefen Willam Dudleys avgång försvinner ännu en ledamot med permanent rösträtt i Federal Reserves penningpolitiska kommitté. Frågetecknen kring centralbanken blir allt fler, skriver Reuters. Förutom Dudley har även de sju ledamöterna i Federal Reserves styrelse rösträtt men där har Stanley Fischer redan meddelat sin kommande avgång, nuvarande ordföranden Janet Yellen spås av många avgå när Jerome Powell tar över och två stolar står tomma sedan tidigare.

President Donald Trump, som i förra veckan nominerade Jerome Powell som ny ordförande för Federal Reserve, har därmed stora möjligheter att genom personval forma Federal Reserves framtida penningpolitik. Just Dudleys ersättare utses däremot av Federal Reserves i New Yorks egna styrelse.

Federal Open Market Committee
Wikipedia (en)
The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), a committee within the Federal Reserve System (the Fed), is charged under the United States law with overseeing the nation's open market operations (i.e., the Fed's buying and selling of United States Treasury securities). This Federal Reserve committee makes key decisions about interest rates and the growth of the United States money supply. The FOMC is the principal organ of United States national monetary policy. The Committee sets monetary policy by specifying the short-term objective for the Fed's open market operations, which is usually a target level for the federal funds rate (the rate that commercial banks charge between themselves for overnight loans). The FOMC also directs operations undertaken by the Federal Reserve System in foreign exchange markets, although any intervention in foreign exchange markets is coordinated with the U.S. Treasury, which has responsibility for formulating U.S. policies regarding the exchange value of the dollar.
Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Wikipedia (en)
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, commonly known as the Federal Reserve Board, is the main governing body of the Federal Reserve System. It is charged with overseeing the Federal Reserve Banks and with helping implement monetary policy of the United States. Governors are appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate for staggered 14-year terms.
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