Dylann Roof (Chuck Burton / TT NYHETSBYRÅN)

Dylann Roof döms till döden för kyrkomassakern

Dylann Roof döms till döden för morden på nio svarta kyrkobesökare i South Carolina sommaren 2015, rapporterar flera medier. Roof, som företrätt sig själv under rättegången, har inte vädjat att juryn att skona hans liv. Han har i stället stått fast vid sina handlingar.

– Jag känner fortfarande att jag var tvungen att göra det, sa han till juryn.

22-åringen har sagt att han sympatiserar med nazismen och Ku Klux Klan. Domstolen konstaterade i december att morden på de nio afroamerikanerna var ett hatbrott.

Massakern i Charleston
Wikipedia (en)
The Charleston church shooting (also known as the Charleston church massacre) was a mass shooting and hate crime that took place at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston, South Carolina, United States, on the evening of June 17, 2015. During a prayer service, nine people, including the senior pastor, state senator Clementa C. Pinckney were killed by a 21 year old gunman named Dylann Roof; a tenth victim survived. The morning after the attack police arrested Roof in Shelby, North Carolina. He would later confess to committed the shooting in hopes of igniting a race war. The United States Department of Justice investigated whether the shooting was a hate crime or an act of domestic terrorism, eventually indicting Roof on 33 federal hate crime charges. Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church is one of the United States' oldest black churches and has long been a site for community organization around civil rights. Roof is to be indicted on federal hate crime charges, and has been charged with nine counts of murder by the State of South Carolina. If convicted, he could face a sentence of death or thirty years to life in prison. A website apparently published by Roof included a manifesto detailing his beliefs on race, as well as several photographs showing him posing with emblems associated with white supremacy. Roof's photos of the Confederate battle flag triggered debate on its modern display. In November 2016, Roof was declared competent to stand trial for the crimes. On December 15, 2016, he was convicted in federal court of hate crime charges stemming from the shooting, and faces a potential death sentence. His trial in state court is scheduled to begin on January 17, 2017.
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