Jorge Glas i bakgrunden. (Dolores Ochoa / TT / NTB Scanpix)

Ecuadors vicepresident tog emot 113 miljoner i mutor

Ecuadors vicepresident Jorge Glas döms till sex års fängelse i en omfattande korruptionsrättegång. Han ska ha tagit emot motsvarande drygt 113 miljoner kronor i mutor av det brasilianska byggkonglomeratet Odebrecht.

Glas har tillsammans med tolv andra personer åtalats för involvering i skandalen, som skakar politiska toppskikt i flera syd- och centralamerikanska länder.

Odebrecht misstänks för att under nio års tid ha betalat omkring motsvarande 32 miljarder kronor för att få statliga kontrakt i länderna.

Wikipedia (en)
Odebrecht Organization (Brazilian Portuguese: [odɛˈbɾɛ(t͡)ʃ]) is a Brazilian conglomerate consisting of diversified businesses in the fields of engineering, construction, chemicals and petrochemicals. The company was founded in 1944 in Salvador da Bahia by Norberto Odebrecht, and is now present in South America, Central America, North America, the Caribbean, Africa, Europe and the Middle East. Its leading company is Norberto Odebrecht Construtora. Odebrecht S.A. is a holding company for Construtora Norberto Odebrecht S.A., the biggest engineering and contracting company in Latin America, and Braskem S.A., the largest petrochemicals producer in Latin America and one of Brazil's five largest private-sector manufacturing companies. Odebrecht controls Braskem, the fifth largest petrochemical company in the world, with exports to 60 countries in all continents of the world. By revenue, Braskem is the fourth largest petrochemical company in the Americas and the seventeenth in the world. On 19 June 2015, Brazilian authorities arrested the former CEO, Marcelo Odebrecht, in connection with their ongoing probe into bribes paid by the Brazilian oil giant, Petrobras. On 7 March 2016 he was sentenced to 19 years and 4 months jail, for paying over US$30 million in bribes to executives of Petrobras, in exchange for contracts and influence.
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