Elian Gonzalez då han återförenades med sin far 28 juni, 2000, samt på firandet av Fidel Castros 90-årsdag, 13 augusti, 2016. (AP/AP)

Elian fördes från USA till Kuba – hyllar Castro

Elian Gonzalez, som var i centrum för en internationell vårdnadstvist mellan anhöriga i USA och Kuba för nästan 20 år sedan, hyllar nu Fidel Castro. Det rapporterar AP.

Gonzalez var fem år gammal när han tillsammans med sin mor försökte ta sig med båt från Kuba till Florida. Hans mor avled under resan och han togs till anhöriga i Florida. En infekterad vårdnadstvist uppstod mellan dem och hans far, som var kvar på Kuba och Castro hjälpte till att föra tillbaka Gonzalez till ön.

– Fidel var en vän som var där för min familj i en svår stund, sa Gonzalez i en sändning på Kubansk statlig tv enligt AP.

Elián González
Wikipedia (en)
Elián González (born December 6, 1993) is a Cuban student who, as a young boy in 2000, became embroiled in a heated international custody and immigration controversy involving the governments of Cuba and the United States, his father, Juan Miguel González Quintana, his other relatives in Miami, Florida, and in Cuba, and Miami's Cuban American community. González's mother, Elizabeth Brotons Rodríguez, drowned in November 1999 while attempting to leave Cuba with González and her boyfriend to get to the United States. The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) initially placed González with maternal relatives in Miami, who sought to keep him in the United States against his father's demands that González be returned to Cuba. A federal district court's ruling that only González's father, and not his extended relatives, could petition for asylum on the boy's behalf was upheld by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. After the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear the case, federal agents took González from his relatives and returned him to Cuba in June 2000.
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