Itay Regev Jerbi möter sin bror efter att ha frigivits från Hamas fångenskap. (GPO / AP)

Expert: Priset för Hamas frigivningar lär gå upp

Under den sju dagar långa vapenvilan mellan Hamas och Israel har terrororganisationen släppt drygt 100 ur gisslan, främst kvinnor, barn och asiatiska gästarbetare.

I utbyte har Israel gått med på sju dagars eldupphör och har släppt drygt 300 palestinska fångar. Men Anders Persson, expert på konflikten, säger till SvD att priset för frigivningarna sannolikt kommer gå upp.

Han förvånas över hur ”billigt” Hamas har gått med på att utväxla fångarna och drar paralleller till tidigare gisslansituationer mellan parterna. Bland annat när den israeliske korpralen Gilad Shalit släpptes fri efter fem år, i utbyte mot 1 027 palestinska fångar.

– Det har hittills varit en bra deal för Israel då man fått ut dryga 40 procent av gisslan, säger han.

Gilad Shalit
Wikipedia (en)
Gilad Shalit (Hebrew: גלעד שליט, Gilˁad Šaliṭ ; born 28 August 1986) is a former MIA soldier of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) who, on 25 June 2006, was captured by Palestinian militants in a cross-border raid via tunnels near the Israeli border. Hamas held him captive for over five years until his release on 18 October 2011 as part of a prisoner exchange deal. During his captivity, Hamas rejected requests from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to visit Shalit, claiming that such visits could compromise his location. Several human rights organizations criticized this position, asserting that the conditions of Shalit's confinement were in violation of international humanitarian law. The Red Cross stated, "The Shalit family have the right under international humanitarian law to be in contact with their son." In the early months, the sole means of communication was through an intermediary, who claimed that a low-ranking Hamas official, Ghazi Hamad, asked him to convey to Shalit's parents the assurance that Shalit was "alive and was treated according to Islam's laws regarding prisoners of war. In other words, he had been given shelter, food, and medical care." The United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict called for Shalit's release in its September 2009 report. In the G8's Deauville Declaration of May 27, 2011, they demanded Shalit's release.Many sources have categorized Shalit's capture as both a kidnapping and an abduction. During his captivity, he was denied visits from the Red Cross and any communication with family members, both of which he was entitled to as a captured soldier under the Geneva Conventions. Furthermore, his captors demanded a form of ransom, although not necessarily of a monetary nature, in exchange for his release. The only instances of contact between Shalit and the outside world during his captivity, prior to his eventual release, consisted of three letters, an audio tape, and a DVD. These were provided to Israel in exchange for the release of 20 female Palestinian prisoners.Shalit was captured near the Kerem Shalom crossing in Israel and was held by Hamas at an undisclosed location within the Gaza Strip. Hamas' initial demands, which included the release of all female and underage Palestinians, as well as Marwan Barghouti, were not met. On 18 October 2011, Shalit was eventually released in a negotiated agreement, securing his freedom after more than five years in isolation and captivity. In exchange, 1,027 Palestinian prisoners were released, some of whom were convicted of multiple murders and carrying out attacks against Israeli civilians. According to Israeli government sources, these released prisoners were collectively responsible for 569 Israeli deaths.Shalit became the first Israeli soldier to be captured by Palestinian militants since the incident involving Nachshon Wachsman in 1994. Shalit held the rank of Corporal in the IDF's Armor Corps at the time of his capture, and he was subsequently promoted to Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, and Sergeant First Class just before his release. He holds dual Israeli and French citizenship, the latter via his grandmother.

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