Experter: Norge blir mer som andra utan oljan
De senaste årens nedgång för oljepriserna är den största den här generationen. Det har fått stora konsekvenser för den norska ekonomin.
Storbanken DNB:s chefsekonom Kjersti Haugland anser att landet nu tvingas vänja sig vid lägre tillväxt. Det eftersom bränslet som gett Norge ”en extraordinär skjuts” inte längre räcker till för det.
Flera regeringar i rad har haft den uttalade ambitionen att göra landet mindre beroende av oljan. Att landet har överlevt prisraset är ett kvitto på att det har lyckats.
– Norge har nu blivit mer likt andra länder, säger Handelsbankens Marius Gonsholt Hov till Bloomberg.
Norges ekonomi
Wikipedia (en)
The economy of Norway is a developed mixed economy with state-ownership in strategic areas. Although sensitive to global business cycles, the economy of Norway has shown robust growth since the start of the industrial era. Shipping has long been a support of Norway's export sector, but much of Norway's economic growth has been fueled by an abundance of natural resources, including petroleum exploration and production, hydroelectric power, and fisheries. Agriculture and traditional heavy manufacturing have suffered relative decline compared to services and oil-related industries, and the public sector is among the largest in the world as a percentage of the overall gross domestic product. The country has a very high standard of living compared with other European countries, and a strongly integrated welfare system. Norway's modern manufacturing and welfare system rely on a financial reserve produced by exploitation of natural resources, particularly North Sea oil.
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