António Guterres talar till generalförsamlingen på tisdagskvällen. (Peter Afriye / AP)

FN-chefen sågar Israels nej till tvåstatslösning

FN:s generalsekreterare António Guterres riktade skarp kritik mot Israel när generalförsamlingen möttes under tisdagen.

Bland annat sa han att Israels avfärdande av en tvåstatslösning är ”oacceptabel”.

– Det palestinska folkets rätt att bygga upp sin egen självständiga stat måste erkännas av alla, sa FN-chefen enligt AFP.

Israels premiärminister Benjamin Netanyahu avfärdade kraftigt allt tal om en tvåstatslösning förra veckan vilket ledde till kritik från stora delar av världen, bland annat USA.

Wikipedia (en)
The two-state solution to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict envisions an independent State of Palestine alongside the State of Israel, in the region west of the Jordan River. The major points of contention are: the boundaries of the two states (though most proposals are based on the 1967 lines), the status of Jerusalem, the Israeli settlements and the right of return of Palestinian refugees. In 1947, the United Nations General Assembly adopted United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine, which was not implemented. The Palestinian leadership has embraced the concept since the 1982 Arab Summit in Fez, and in 2017 Hamas accepted the idea of a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders, but without recognising the statehood of Israel. Israel views moves by Palestinian leaders to obtain international recognition of a State of Palestine as being unilateral action by the Palestinians and inconsistent with a negotiated two-state solution. It was reported in 2009 that although polls had consistently shown Israeli and Palestinian majorities in favor of a negotiated two-state settlement, there was "growing disillusionment" with a two-state solution.Recent diplomatic efforts have centred around realizing a two-state solution, starting from the failed 2000 Camp David Summit, followed by the Taba negotiations in early 2001. A two-state solution also formed the basis of the Arab Peace Initiative and the 2013–14 peace talks. Despite the failure of these efforts, international consensus has for decades supported a two-state solution to the conflict. A 2021 survey of experts found that 52 percent believed that the two-state solution was no longer achievable. 77 percent believed that if not achieved, the result would be a "one-state reality akin to apartheid".

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