Franken återvänder: ”Ska återvinna förtroendet”
Senatorn Al Franken ska återvända till arbetet i kongressen på måndag efter att fyra kvinnor anklagat honom för övergrepp och olämpligt beteende. I en intervju med Minneapolis Star Tribune säger demokraten att han hoppas att han gradvis kan vinna tillbaka väljarnas förtroende.
– Jag skäms, säger Franken.
Al Franken
Wikipedia (en)
Alan Stuart "Al" Franken (born May 21, 1951) is an American writer, comedian, and politician serving since 2009 as the junior United States Senator from Minnesota. He became well known in the 1970s and 1980s as a writer and performer on the television comedy show Saturday Night Live. After decades as a comedic actor and writer, he became a prominent liberal political activist. Franken was first elected to the United States Senate in 2008 in a razor-thin victory over incumbent Republican Senator Norm Coleman, and then easily won re-election in 2014 over Republican challenger Mike McFadden. Franken is a member of the Minnesota Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party (DFL), an affiliate of the Democratic Party.
Born in New York City, Franken moved to Minnesota when he was four. With his writing partner Tom Davis, with whom he had developed an interest in improvisational theater at the prestigious college preparatory school The Blake School, he was hired as a writer for SNL at its inception in 1975. He worked on the show as a writer and performer until 1980, and returned from 1985 to 1995. After leaving SNL, he wrote and acted in movies and television shows. He also hosted a nationally syndicated political radio talk show, The Al Franken Show, and wrote seven books, four of which are political satires critical of conservative politics. His latest book, Al Franken, Giant of the Senate, about his time in the Senate, was a New York Times Non-Fiction Best Seller.
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