Fredsbevarande styrkor återtog stad från rebeller
FN:s fredsbevarande styrkor har återtagit kontrollen över Centralafrikanska republikens fjärde största stad, Bambari. Det rapporterar AFP.
– Civila har börjat återvända. De väpnade grupperna har tvingats tillbaka, säger Abdoulaziz Fall, talesperson för FN-insatsen Minusca, på en pressträff i landets huvudstad Bangui.
I går rapporterades att rebeller intagit Bambari – med bara några dagar kvar till valet i landet.
Wikipedia (en)
United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (also called MINUSCA, which is an initialism of its French name Mission multidimensionnelle intégrée des Nations unies pour la stabilisation en Centrafrique) is a UN peacekeeping mission, which started on April 10, 2014, to protect Central African Republic civilians under Chapter VII of the UN Charter. It transformed the 6,000-strong African Union-led peacekeeping force known as MISCA into a UN peacekeeping mission and became operational on September 15, 2014. The UN deployed a transition team to set up MINUSCA and prepare for a seamless transition of authority from MISCA to MINUSCA. As of 2016, it has more than 10,000 troops on the ground. Its role is to:
support for the Pres process;
facilitating humanitarian assistance;
promotion and protection of human rights;
support for justice and the rule of law;
repatriation processes.The current Special Representative of the Secretary-General and head of MINUSCA is Mankeur Ndiaye of Senegal.
The top country contributor for troops and police is Rwanda with 1,369 troops and 438 police officers sent to assist with MINUSCA, followed by Pakistan, sending 1,225 troops and Senegal sending 316 police officers.
Här ligger Bambari
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