Längst fram från vänster USA:s president Joe Biden, Indiens premiärminister Narendra Modi, Brasiliens president Lula da Silva, Sydafrikas president Cyril Ramaphosa på G20-mötet i Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien, den 18 november 2024. (Eric Lee / AP)

G20 rivstartar med global pakt mot hunger – utan Milei

När Brasiliens president Lula da Silva öppnade G20-mötet i Rio de Janeiro på måndagen hade han lyckats få med sig 81 länder i en global allians mot hunger, rapporterar Reuters.

Med i alliansen finns EU och Afrikanska unionen, internationella organisationer, utvecklingsbanker, biståndsorganisationer och alla G20-länder utom Argentina. Landets president Javier Milei tänker inte skriva under några överenskommelser som inte följer hans libertarianska övertygelser.

– Hunger och fattigdom är inte resultat av brist eller naturfenomen, utan av politiska beslut, säger Lula da Silva, som själv vuxit upp i fattigdom.

I förhandlingarna inför G20-mötet har ställningstaganden om krigen i Ukraina och Mellanöstern vattnats ur till meningslöshet på grund av det känsliga världsläget, uppger diplomater för flera medier.

Wikipedia (en)
The G20 or Group of 20 is an intergovernmental forum comprising 19 sovereign countries, the European Union (EU), and the African Union (AU). It works to address major issues related to the global economy, such as international financial stability, climate change mitigation and sustainable development, through annual meetings of Heads of State and Heads of Government. The sovereign states of the G20 (without its international members, like the EU or AU) account for around 85% of gross world product (GWP), 75% of international trade, 56% of the global population, and 60% of the world's land area. Including the EU and AU, the G20 comprises 78.9% of global population and 83.9% of global CO2 emissions from fossil energy. The G20 was founded in 1999 in response to several world economic crises. Since 2008, it has convened at least once a year, with summits involving each member's head of government or state, finance minister, or foreign minister, and other high-ranking officials; the EU is represented by the European Commission and the European Central Bank. Other countries, international organizations, and nongovernmental organizations are invited to attend the summits, some permanently. In 2023, during its 2023 summit, the African Union joined as its 21st member and will officially represent at the 2024 G20 summit in Brazil. In its 2009 summit, the G20 declared itself the primary venue for international economic and financial cooperation. The group's stature has risen during the subsequent decade, and it is recognised by analysts as exercising considerable global influence; it is also criticised for its limited membership, lack of enforcement powers, and for the alleged undermining of existing international institutions. Summits are often met with protests, particularly by anti-globalization groups.

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