
Gab tillbaka online efter Pittsburgh-attacken

Det sociala nätverket Gab – som i hög grad kommit att förknippas med extremism och då i synnerhet amerikansk vit makt-höger – stängdes ned kort efter skjutningen i Pittsburgh i slutet av oktober. Tjänstens webbhotell Joyent valde nämligen att stänga av sajten helt och hållet, vilket föranledde att Gab inledde jakten på ett nytt webbhotell. Och det tycks man nu ha hittat, för sajten är igång igen. ”Vi växer starkare för varje timme” skriver man i en tweet.

Tjänsten finns nu hos domänregistratorn Epik i Seattle, vars vd Robert Monster säger att han tycker att Gab har rätten att finnas på nätet.

Gab (social network)
Wikipedia (en)
Gab is an English-language social media website, known for its far-right user base. The site allows its users to read and write multimedia messages of up to 300 characters, called "gabs". The site stated conservative, libertarian, nationalists and populist internet users as its target markets. Gab has been described as "extremist friendly" or a "safe haven" for neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and the alt-rightThe site presents itself as an "alternative of Twitter" that "champions free speech". This self-promotion of "free speech" has been criticised in research articles as "merely a shield behind which its alt-right users hide", and "an echo chamber for right-leaning content dissemination". Gab attracted migration of users banned from other social networks, including members of the far right. A majority of Gab's users were white, a majority were male, and a majority were conservative. Gab reported 465,000 users in April 2018. The site's most followed users included high-profile far-right individuals such as Richard B. Spencer, Mike Cernovich, and Alex Jones. The site recognized far-right conspiracy theorist websites Breitbart News and InfoWars as its competitors.The site gained extensive public scrutiny following the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting on October 27, 2018, as the perpetrator maintained a verified account on Gab. After a backlash from hosting providers, Gab went offline two days later, pending relocation to a new hosting site.
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