Raphael Warnock från Demokraterna håller kampanjtal i Columbus. (Ben Gray / TT NYHETSBYRÅN)

Georgia osäkra kortet som håller USA:s senat i limbo

Ovissheten kring Georgias senatsval gör att USA:s senat befinner sig i limbo när det gäller planering av 2021, skriver The Hill.

De demokratiska politikerna Jon Ossoff och Raphael Warnock utmanar de republikanska senatorerna David Perdue och Kelly Loeffler om två platser som blir avgörande för maktbalansen de kommande två åren.

Om Demokraterna vinner båda platserna får vicepresidenten, i det här fallet Kamala Harris, den avgörande rösten vilken får stor betydelse för tillträdande presidenten Joe Bidens möjligheter att driva igenom sin agenda.

– Vi har en del preliminära möten men på grund av läget i Georgia och osäkerheten om vem som kontrollerar senaten är de försiktiga, säger den demokratiske senatorn Dick Durbin från Illinois.

Senaten kontrolleras i nuläget av Republikanerna som har 50 platser, mot Demokraterna som har 48.

Georgias senatsval
Wikipedia (en)
The 2020–21 United States Senate election in Georgia was held on November 3, 2020, to elect the Class II member of the United States Senate to represent the State of Georgia, concurrently with the 2020 U.S. presidential election, as well as other elections to the U.S. Senate, elections to the U.S. House of Representatives and various state and local elections. No candidate received a majority of the vote, and so the top two finishers, incumbent Republican senator David Perdue and Democratic challenger Jon Ossoff, advanced to a runoff election among all registered voters, to be held on January 5, 2021.The election took place in conjunction with a special election for the Class III seat held by Republican Kelly Loeffler, which will also be decided in a January 5 runoff. If Democrats win both seats, they will gain control of the Senate, as the 50–50 tie can be broken by Democratic Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. If they lose either of the races, the Republicans will retain control. The races have thus attracted significant attention nationwide. They are the third and fourth Senate runoff elections to be held in Georgia since runoffs were first mandated in 1964, following runoffs in 1992 and 2008. It is also the third time that both of Georgia's Senate seats have been up for election at the same time, following double-barrel elections in 1914 and 1932.
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