Grekisk kyrka rasar mot samkönade äktenskap
Det grekiska parlamentet debatterar i dag ett kontroversiellt lagförslag om att legalisera samkönade äktenskap, rapporterar AP.
Förslaget har mött mycket starkt motstånd från landets mäktiga ortodoxa kyrka och har utlöst protester runt om i landet. Under söndagens mässor lästes ett uttalande som kritiserade lagen upp i samtliga kyrkor.
Omröstningen, som väntas på torsdagen, ser på förhand ut att bli en framgång för premiärminister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, som kan räkna med stöd från den politiska vänstern och mitten.
Ett ja i parlamentet skulle innebära att samkönade par får samma föräldrarättigheter som heterosexuella, och göra Grekland till det första ortodoxt kristna landet i världen att tillåta samkönade äktenskap.
Hbtq-rättigheter i Grekland
Wikipedia (en)
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights in Greece are regarded as the most advanced in Southeast Europe and among all the neighboring countries. Public opinion on homosexuality in Greece is generally regarded as culturally liberal, with same-sex unions being legally recognised since 2015.
Both male and female types of same-sex sexual activity have been legal in Greece since 1951, and anti-discrimination laws in employment were enacted in 2005. Since then, anti-discrimination laws have been extended to other spheres, including gender identity. Hate speech and hate crime legislation is one of the most rigid and comprehensive in Europe. In 2015, civil unions (Greek: σύμφωνο συμβίωσης; cohabitation agreements) were legalised for same-sex couples, making households headed by same-sex couples eligible for many, but not all, of the legal protections and rights available to married opposite-sex couples. In 2017, transgender people were granted the right to have their gender identity recognized and to change their legal sex without having to undergo surgical alteration of their genitals in order to have key identity documents changed. In February 2018, a county court in Greece granted a non-binary person the right to a gender-neutral name. In May 2018, the Greek Parliament passed a law granting same-sex couples the right to foster care children.Gay culture is vibrant in the capital of Athens, particularly in the gay neighbourhood of Gazi, in Thessaloniki and some of the Greek islands. With Greece being one of Europe's most popular LGBT tourist destinations, many establishments catering for the LGBT community can be found in islands such as Mykonos, which is known worldwide for the gay and lesbian scene. There are four LGBT pride parades held annually, in Athens, Thessaloniki, Patras and Heraklion, the capital of the island of Crete. The largest of them, the Athens Pride, saw record participation in 2015, and the attendance of many public figures including the President of the Hellenic Parliament and the Mayor of Athens.
According to recent reports carried out by ILGA-Europe, which assesses LGBT rights in European countries, Greece achieved one of the highest improvements among the 49 countries in the legal and policy situation of LGBT people in the last decade, with an overall score of 57%.
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