Hårda kritiken: Attacker mot Zaporizjzja måste upphöra
Attackerna på det ryskockuperade kärnkraftverket i Zaporizjzja är farliga och måste upphöra. Det säger det internationella atomenergiorganets chef Rafael Grossi under ett specialinkallat möte med Ryssland och Ukraina i dag, enligt Sky News.
– Att attackera kärnkraftverk måste vara absolut uteslutet, säger Grossi och fortsätter:
– Det är avgörande att dessa ansvarslösa attacker inte utgör en ny och mycket farlig front i kriget.
Ukraina och Ryssland har den senaste tiden utbytt attacker riktade mot fiendens energiinfrastruktur.
Kärnkraftverket i Zaporizjzja attackerades på onsdagen med drönare för tredje dagen i rad. Ryssland menar att Ukraina ligger bakom attackerna, något som Ukraina förnekar.
Kärnkraftverket i Zaporizjzja
Wikipedia (en)
The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station (Ukrainian: Запорізька атомна електростанція, romanized: Zaporiz'ka atomna elektrostantsiia) in southeastern Ukraine is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe and among the 10 largest in the world. It has been under Russian control since 2022. It was built by the Soviet Union near the city of Enerhodar, on the southern shore of the Kakhovka Reservoir on the Dnieper river. It is operated by Energoatom, who operate Ukraine's other three nuclear power stations.
The plant has six VVER-1000 pressurized light water nuclear reactors (PWR), each fuelled with 235U (LEU) and generating 950 MWe, for a total power output of 5,700 MWe. The first five were successively brought online between 1985 and 1989, and the sixth was added in 1995. In 2020, the plant generated nearly half of the country's electricity derived from nuclear power, and more than a fifth of total electricity generated in Ukraine. The Zaporizhzhia thermal power station is nearby.
On 4 March 2022, the nuclear and thermal power stations were both captured by Russian forces during the Battle of Enerhodar of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. As of 12 March 2022 the plant was controlled by the Russian company Rosatom. Since its capture, the plant does not generate power and is mostly shut down.
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