Anne Hidalgo. (Lewis Joly / AP)

Hidalgo stödjer Macron – Zemmour stödjer Le Pen

Anne Hidalgo, kandidat för socialistpartiet PS, fick bara 2,1 procent av stödet enligt den första vallokalsundersökningen. Hon uppmanar nu sina väljare att rösta på Macron, enligt Ekot.

Ytterhögerpolitikern Éric Zemmour, som kandiderade för partiet Reconquête, får 7,2 procent. Han uppger enligt Reuters att han kommer att stödja Le Pen.

Vänsterkandidaten Jean-Luc Mélenchon fick det tredje största väljarstödet – 20,3 procent. Han tar kraftfullt avstånd från Le Pen, som han hoppas ”inte får en endaste röst” i andra omgången.

Valérie Pécresse, kandidat för de borgerliga Republikanerna – de tidigare presidenterna Jacques Chiracs och Nicolas Sarkozys parti – får fem procent av rösterna. Hon kommer nu att stödja Macron.

– Min besvikelse är mycket stor, och jag tar mitt ansvar, säger hon.

De grönas kandidat Yannic Jadot, som fick 4,3 procent, kommer även han stödja Macron.

Anne Hidalgo
Wikipedia (en)
Ana María "Anne" Hidalgo Aleu (French pronunciation: ​[an idalɡo], Spanish: [iˈðalɣo]; born 19 June 1959) is a Spanish-French politician who has been serving as Mayor of Paris since 2014. A member of the Socialist Party (PS), she is the first woman to hold the office. Hidalgo served as First Deputy Mayor of Paris under Mayor Bertrand Delanoë (2001–2014), having held the title of Councillor of Paris since the 2001 municipal election. She was elected to the mayoralty in 2014 after Delanoë announced he would not seek a third term. Her first term as Mayor of Paris was marked by the January 2015 Charlie Hebdo shooting and November 2015 Paris attacks, including the Bataclan theatre massacre which she witnessed the aftermath of first-hand. Her popularity declined following several instances of alleged mismanagement, to the point that polls showed a majority of voters did not want her to win a second term in 2020. First Deputy Mayor Bruno Julliard resigned in 2018, criticising Hidalgo's style of governance. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic in France ultimately leading to a record low voter turnout, she was reelected although failed to secure an absolute majority of the vote. During her second term as Mayor of Paris, Hidalgo has overseen the city's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, implementing measures such as nightly curfews, closure of non-essential shops and the introduction of 50 kilometres (31 mi) of pop-up cycle lanes known as "coronapistes" to ease pressure on public transport. By January 2021, a number of Hidalgo's policies have gained international attention, such as her proposal to remove over half of Paris's car parking spaces and turn the Champs-Élysées into a "fantastic garden".On 12 September 2021, Hidalgo announced her candidacy in the 2022 presidential election, despite her pledge in 2020 to serve a full second term as Mayor of Paris.
Éric Zemmour
Wikipedia (en)
Éric Justin Léon Zemmour (French: [eʁik zemuʁ]; born 31 August 1958) is a French far-right politician, political journalist, essayist, writer and pundit. He was an editor and panelist on Face à l'Info, a daily show broadcast on CNews, from 2019 to 2021. In late 2021, Zemmour declared his candidacy in the 2022 French presidential election. Born in Montreuil, Zemmour studied at Sciences Po. He worked as a reporter for Le Quotidien de Paris from 1986 to 1996. He then joined Le Figaro, where he worked until 2021. Zemmour appeared as a television personality on shows such as On n'est pas couché on France 2 (2006–2011) and Ça se dispute on I-Télé (2003–2014). He also appeared on Zemmour et Naulleau from 2011 to 2021, a weekly evening talk show on Paris Première, together with literary critic Éric Naulleau. Zemmour worked in parallel for RTL from 2010 until 2019, first hosting the daily radio show Z comme Zemmour, prior to joining Yves Calvi's morning news show as an analyst. His book The French Suicide (Le Suicide français) sold more than 500,000 copies in 2014.Zemmour is well known for his controversial views regarding immigration and Islam in France. He has extensively supported the "great replacement", a conspiracy theory contending that France's native population will be replaced by non-European people. Zemmour was fined for incitement to racial discrimination in 2011 and for incitement of hate against Muslims in 2018, although the latter conviction is pending review before the European Court of Human Rights. He was acquitted six times of similar charges, in 2008, 2014 (twice), 2016, 2017 and 2019. Convictions in 2015 and 2020 were overturned on appeal. Zemmour announced his candidacy for the 2022 French presidential election on 30 November 2021. On 5 December 2021, he launched Reconquête, a new political party. In 2021, a New York Times article described Zemmour's views as "hard-line... on immigration, Islam's place in France and national identity", while he self-identifies as Gaullist and Bonapartist. He has advocated vast changes in France's political system.
Valérie Pécresse
Wikipedia (en)
Valérie Pécresse (French pronunciation: ​[valeʁi pekʁɛs]; born Roux, 14 July 1967) is a French politician who has served as President of the Regional Council of Île-de-France since 2015. A member of The Republicans (LR), she previously served as Minister of Higher Education and Research from 2007 to 2011 and Minister of the Budget and Government Spokeswoman from 2011 to 2012 under Prime Minister François Fillon. Pécresse represented the 2nd constituency of Yvelines in the National Assembly from 2002 to 2007 and again from 2012 until 2016. In 2021, Pécresse declared her candidacy for the Republicans' nomination in the 2022 French presidential election. On 4 December 2021, she was elected by The Republicans congress against Éric Ciotti as the party candidate in the 2022 presidential election.

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