Anhängare till premiärminister Hun Sens parti. (Heng Sinith / TT / NTB Scanpix)

Hun Sen går mot en säker seger i valet i Kambodja

Oppositionen i Kambodja är svag inför det nationella val som hålls i landet på söndag, rapporterar Ekot. Det största oppositionspartiet, Kambodjas räddningsparti, upplöstes av landets högsta domstol förra året. Det efter att premiärminister Hun Sen anklagat partiet för att konspirera med USA för att ta makten i Kambodja.

Enligt Ekot håller många oppositionssympatisörer låg profil av rädsla för repressalier inför valet. Det gör att Hun Sen går mot en säker seger.

Populistiska och högerextrema partimedlemmar från Europa och Asien kommer att observera valet. EU och USA skickar inga valobservatörer, enligt AFP.

Hun Sen
Wikipedia (en)
Hun Sen (Khmer: ហ៊ុន សែន; born 5 August 1952) is a Cambodian politician and the Prime Minister of Cambodia, President of the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) and Member of Parliament (MP) for Kandal. He has served as Prime Minister since 1985, making him the world’s longest-serving prime minister, the longest-serving head of government of Cambodia and one of the longest-serving leaders in the world. From 1979 to 1986 and again from 1987 to 1990, Hun Sen also served as Cambodia's foreign minister. His full honorary title is Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen (Khmer: សម្តេចអគ្គមហាសេនាបតី តេជោ ហ៊ុន សែន; meaning "Lord Prime Minister, Supreme Military Commander Hun Sen"). Born Hun Bunal, he changed his name to Hun Sen in 1972 two years after joining the Khmer Rouge. Hun Sen rose to the premiership in January 1985 when the one-party National Assembly appointed him to succeed Chan Sy, who had died in office in December 1984. He held the position until the 1993 UN-backed elections, which resulted in a hung parliament. After contentious negotiations with the FUNCINPEC, Hun Sen was accepted as Second Prime Minister, serving alongside Norodom Ranariddh until a 1997 coup toppled the latter. Ung Huot was then selected to succeed Ranariddh. In the 1998 election, he led the CPP to victory but had to form a coalition government with FUNCINPEC. Hun Sen has since led the CPP to consecutive victories and is currently serving in his fifth prime ministerial term. In June 2015, following the death of Chea Sim, Hun Sen was elected president of the CPP.Hun Sen was 32 years old when he became prime minister, making him at that time the world's youngest head of government. One of the world's longest-serving leaders, he has been described as a "wily operator who destroys his political opponents" by The Sydney Morning Herald and as a dictator who has assumed authoritarian power in Cambodia using violence, intimidation and corruption to maintain his power base. Under his government, thousands of opposition activists, politicians, environmentalists and human rights workers have been murdered, where a majority of the cases were never investigated due to the political ties with the incumbent administration. Hun Sen has accumulated highly centralized power within Cambodia, including a personal guard said to have capabilities rivalling those of the country's regular army, making coup attempts virtually impossible.
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