Nord stream-läckan i september 2022. (AP)

Husrannsakan i Polen efter Nord Stream-läckan

Polsk polis har gjort en husrannsakan mot ett turistbolag som uppges ha bokat den segelbåt som utredare tror användes i sabotaget vid Nord Stream i fjol. Det rapporterar Expressen.

Polska myndigheter bekräftar nu att besättningen på segelbåten Andromeda lade till i Polen innan sabotaget av Nord Stream.

Landet uppger att det inte finns några bevis för att polska medborgare ska ha varit inblandade i sabotaget. Man tillbakavisar även Wall Street Journals uppgifter om att Polen fungerat som en ”logistikhub” för sabotaget.

Sabotaget mot Nord Stream 2
Wikipedia (en)
On 26 September 2022, a series of clandestine bombings and subsequent underwater gas leaks occurred on the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipelines. Both pipelines were built to transport natural gas from Russia to Germany through the Baltic Sea, and are majority owned by the Russian majority state-owned gas company, Gazprom. The perpetrators' identities and the motives behind the sabotage remain debated. Prior to the leaks, the pipelines had not been operating due to disputes between Russia and the European Union in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but were filled with natural gas. On 26 September at 02:03 local time (CEST), an explosion was detected originating from Nord Stream 2; a pressure drop in the pipeline was reported and natural gas began escaping to the surface southeast of the Danish island of Bornholm. Seventeen hours later, the same occurred to Nord Stream 1, resulting in three separate leaks northeast of Bornholm. All three affected pipes were rendered inoperable; Russia has confirmed one of the two Nord Stream 2 pipes is operable and is thus ready to deliver gas through Nord Stream 2. The leaks occurred one day before Poland and Norway opened the Baltic Pipe running through Denmark, bringing in gas from the North Sea, rather than from Russia as the Nord Stream pipelines do. The leaks are located in international waters (not part of any nation's territorial sea), but within the economic zones of Denmark and Sweden.Nord Stream AG, the Gazprom-owned operator of Nord Stream, said the pipelines had sustained "unprecedented" damage in one day.
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