Inga-Britt Ahlenius. (TT)

Inga-Britt Ahlenius kritik mot Sida: ”Noll koll!”

Sida har ”noll koll”. Det säger Inga-Britt Ahlenius, den tidigare chefen för Riksrevisionsverket och undergeneralsekreterare för FN:s internrevision, efter Aftonbladets avslöjande om att myndigheten gett mångmiljonstöd till en utvecklingsfond i Kenya där miljoner försvunnit ner i en vd:s ficka.

– Det är fullständigt parodiskt och naivt, man blir helt galen när man hör det. Noll koll! säger Ahlenius till tidningen.

Hon menar att man borde avsluta allt samarbete med fonden och stämma dem.

Det är utvecklingsfonden AECF (African Enterprise Challenge Fund) som nu har stoppats från att ta emot svenska skattepengar från Sida efter att det kommit fram att vd:n bland annat tagit ut en månadslön på 245 000 kronor.

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Wikipedia (en)
The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Swedish: Styrelsen för Internationellt Utvecklingssamarbete, Sida) is a government agency of the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Sida is responsible for organization of the bulk of Sweden's official development assistance to developing countries. Sida also affirms respect of human rights, democracy and gender equality proclaimed by Universal Declaration of Human Rights on their missions, and together with "Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law" of Lund University, Sida gave an aide for "Equal State and Human Rights of Women in Southeast Asia" by Asia Pacific Forum held from 9 May and 3 June 2011. Sida is also informed by the Yogyakarta Principles in Action the working for the rights for LGBTI and Swedish government mandated an "Action plan for Sida's work on sexual orientation and gender identity in international development cooperation 2007-2009". And the evaluation of the 2007–2009 action plan demonstrates the significant work done in many countries on LGBTI issues, including dialogue with civil society, other donors, and governments; inclusion in country strategies; and programme initiatives. As well as directly funding a number of LGBTI groups, Sida headquarters has actively promoted LGBTI issues in its networking with other donors and international stakeholders, and by giving radio and TV interviews, writing a newspaper article, participating in and arranging seminars at pride festivals and the World Outgames, and including LGBTI rights in newly adopted policies.
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