Iransk journalist överfallen vid sitt hem i London
Den iranske journalisten Pouria Zeraati har knivhuggits utanför sitt hem i London, rapporterar brittiska medier.
Zeraati är nyhetsankare på den persiskspråkiga internationella tv-kanalen Iran International. Kanalens talesperson Adam Baillie säger till BBC att kanalen mottagit flera hot från regimen i Iran sedan protesterna efter Mahsa Aminis död bröt ut för 18 månader sedan.
– Familjemedlemmar i Iran har tagits in till förhör. De senaste månaderna har detta blivit vanligt förekommande och förhören mer aggressiva, säger han.
Londonpolisens antiterrorenhet utreder händelsen men vill inte nämna något tänkbart motiv. Zeraatis skadeläge är stabilt. Han har själv lagt ut en bild på X där han gör en segergest liggandes i en sjukhussäng.
Iran International
Wikipedia (en)
Iran International (Persian: ایران اینترنشنال) is a Persian-language news television channel headquartered in London aimed at Iranian viewers, and broadcasting free-to-air by satellite. Iran International was established in May 2017 and has broadcast its programmes from both London and Washington, D.C. In February 2023, Iran International moved its headquarters temporarily to Washington, D.C. due to increased threats from the Iranian government against Iran International's UK-based journalists, but back to London in September 2023. It is available online, via radio and via satellite broadcasting worldwide including Iran. Iran International is owned by Volant Media UK Ltd. and has been charged of being an arm of Saudi Arabia.Iran International claims to have 20 million viewers despite the Iranian government using satellite jammers. The network focuses mostly on news reporting and programming, but also broadcasts programs and documentaries on science, art, technology, sports and culture. The 24 programs with Fardad Farahzad, the first title (تیتر اول) with Nyusha Sarmi (formerly Fardad Farahzad) and the perspective among the news-analytical programs and the window and Hattrick with Mazdak Mirzaei are among its cultural-artistic and sports programs, respectively.The channel has received media attention for its reporting on human rights violations, political developments, LGBTQ+ rights and women's rights in Iran and has twice been nominated for International Channel of the Year by the Association for International Broadcasting. It is also known that the channel has ties with the Saudi Arabian royal family, with some funding for the channel coming from people closely associated with them, such that the Iranian government has specified the tethering of Iran International's activities as a prerequisite for normalization of its disturbed diplomatic relations with the Saudi administration. Iran International's management do not deny that they receive funding by Saudi nationals but they do deny that they are linked to any government, including that of Saudi Arabia.In 2022, an independent survey carried out by the Group for Analyzing and Measuring Attitudes in Iran (GAMAAN) and reported by the AIB found that Iran International is the most influential source of independent news in Iran with 33% of the daily audience. More than half of the 27,000 participants surveyed also reported that they trusted Iran International "a lot" or "to some extent". During the Mahsa Amini protests on 9 November 2022, the Iranian Minister of Intelligence Ismail Khatib announced that Iran International had been declared a terrorist organization by the Islamic Republic of Iran, accused by the government of inciting riots protesting the regime. News sources have reported that the Iranian government is waging an "intimidation campaign" against personnel of the TV station, freezing their assets, interrogating their relatives and "threatening to snatch them from British streets if they do not quit their jobs". In February 2023 Magomed-Husejn Dovtaev was charged with terrorism after being caught photographing areas surrounding the studios, and in September Iran International said it was resuming broadcasting from London, UK.
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