Kataib Hezbollah suspends operations: Washington blamed group for Jordan attack

Iranstödd grupp pausar attackerna mot USA i Irak

Den Irankopplade militanta gruppen Kataib Hizbollah, eller Hizbollahbrigaderna, meddelar oväntat att man pausar attackerna mot USA i Irak. Det rapporterar New York Times. I ett uttalande förklaras beslutet med att gruppen inte vill skämma ut Iraks regering.

”Vi kommer att fortsätta att försvara vårt folk i Gaza på andra sätt.”

Uttalandet gjordes kort efter att USA:s president Joe Biden sagt att han fattat ett beslut om hur USA ska svara på söndagens drönarattack mot USA:s militärbas i Jordanien i helgen där tre amerikanska soldater dödades och många skadades. Biden gick inte in på några detaljer.

Enligt Pentagon var det sannolikt Kataib Hizbollah som utförde attacken.

Kataib Hezbollah
Wikipedia (en)
Kata'ib Hezbollah (Arabic: كتائب حزب الله, lit. 'Battalions of the Party of God')—or the Hezbollah Brigades—is a radical Iraqi Shiite paramilitary group which used to be part of the Popular Mobilization Forces, staffing the 45th, 46th, and 47th Brigades. During the Iraq War (2003–11), the group fought against Coalition forces. It has been active in the War in Iraq (2013–2017) and the Syrian civil war (2011–present). The group was commanded by Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis until he was killed in a US drone attack in 2020. Thereafter, he was replaced by Abdul Aziz al-Muhammadawi (Abu Fadak), as the new leader of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF). KH seeks to establish an Iran-aligned government in Iraq, expel American forces from the country, and advance the regional and international interests of Iran in Iraq and the region. The group is responsible for killing hundreds of U.S. soldiers and takes a central part in carrying out attacks against U.S. targets in Iraq and acts as part of the Axis of Resistance. Kata'ib Hezbollah has received extensive training, funding, logistic support, weapons, and intelligence from Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps's (IRGC) Quds Force.Kata'ib Hezbollah is officially listed as a terrorist organization by the governments of Japan, United Arab Emirates, and the United States. Kata'ib Hezbollah is an official part of Iraq's security apparatus.
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