Nya Karolinska (t.v) (TT)

Jakt på EU-myndighet efter britternas utträde

Efter brexit måste de EU-myndigheter som varit placerade i Storbritannien placeras i andra medlemsländer. Den svenska regeringen har siktet inställt på att ta över EU:s läkemedelsmyndighet EMA, skriver SR Ekot.
Enligt regeringens life science-samordnare Anders Lönnberg borde Sverige ta över myndigheten eftersom man redan i dag utför många kliniska prövningar åt EMA.
– Ja, det skulle innebära ett enormt tillskott när det gäller kunskap på hela life science-området, på läkemedelsområdet, medicinteknik och hälso- och sjukvård, säger han.

European Medicines Agency, EMA
Wikipedia (en)
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is a European Union agency for the evaluation of medicinal products. Prior to 2004, it was known as the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA). Roughly parallel to the drug part of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but without centralisation, the EMA was set up in 1995 with funding from the European Union and the pharmaceutical industry, as well as indirect subsidy from member states, in an attempt to harmonise (but not replace) the work of existing national medicine regulatory bodies. The hope was that this plan would not only reduce the €350 million annual cost drug companies incurred by having to win separate approvals from each member state but also that it would eliminate the protectionist tendencies of sovereign states unwilling to approve new drugs that might compete with those already produced by domestic drug companies. The EU is currently the source of about one-third of the new drugs brought onto the world market each year. Based in London, the EMA was founded after more than seven years of negotiations among EU governments and replaced the Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products and the Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Products, though both of these were reborn as the core scientific advisory committees.
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