Japan satsar på tv-spel och anime – ska ge miljarder
Japans premiärminister Fumio Kishida och regeringen vill ta fram en ny strategi som syftar till att ta delar av landets kultur ut på världsscenen, rapporterar japanska medier. Strategin, som är en ny del av regeringens satsning ”Cool Japan”, ska bland annat fokusera på tv-spel och anime.
Förhoppningen är att den nya strategin ska generera över 320 miljarder dollar till 2033.
I början av juni gav Kishida Fumio sina ministrar i uppdrag att ta fram ett förslag på hur strategin kan utformas.
Cool Japan
Wikipedia (en)
Cool Japan (クールジャパン, Kūru Japan) refers to the aspects of Japanese culture that non-Japanese people perceive as "cool". After the success of "Cool Britannia," the Japanese government started using the phrase. The Cool Japan strategy is part of Japan's overall brand strategy, aiming to disseminate Japan's attractiveness and allure to the world. The target of Cool Japan "encompasses everything from games, manga, anime, and other forms of content, fashion, commercial products, Japanese cuisine, and traditional culture to robots, eco-friendly technologies, and other high-tech industrial products".
Due to the combination of its failures in World War 2 and its aggressive imperial history, Japan was forced by circumstances, specifically the United States, to alter its approach to global diplomacy. Under Article 9, Japan was no longer able to employ hard power through its military. As a result, it cultivated and pioneered soft power as its approach to its position on the global stage. In this, Japan was forced to figure out how to go about in security, aid, and leadership, starting with reinventing their image and rebuilding their negative reputation. Japan’s “Cool Japan” Initiative was a major cornerstone of its soft power policy and greatly contributed to their reintegration into regional and global leadership.
Cool Japan has been described as a form of soft power, with the ability to "indirectly influence behavior or interests through cultural or ideological means".
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