Johnny Depp spelar osynlig i remake av klassiker
Skådespelaren Johnny Depp kommer att spela i filmen ”The invisible man” när Universal Pictures gör nyproduktioner av en rad filmer med klassiska monster, rapporterar Deadline.
Universals första version av filmen – ”Den osynlige mannen” – kom 1933 och är baserad på HG Wells roman med samma namn. I den versionen har Claude Rains huvudrollen som vetenskapsmannen Griffin som kommer på ett sätt att bli osynlig, vilket leder till att han blir galen.
Den nya filmen som produceras av Alex Kurtzman och Chris Morgan är fortfarande bara i sin linda.
The Invisible Man (film)
Wikipedia (en)
The Invisible Man is an American 1933 Pre-Code science fiction horror film based on H. G. Wells' science fiction novel The Invisible Man, published in 1897, as adapted by R.C. Sherriff, Philip Wylie and Preston Sturges, whose work was considered unsatisfactory and who was taken off the project. Produced by Universal Studios, the film was directed by James Whale and stars Claude Rains, in his first American screen appearance, and Gloria Stuart. It spawned a number of sequels, plus many spinoffs using the idea of an "invisible man" that were largely unrelated to Wells' original story.
Rains portrayed the Invisible Man (Dr. Jack Griffin) mostly only as a disembodied voice. Rains is only shown clearly for a brief time at the end of the film, spending most of his on-screen time covered by bandages. In 2008 The Invisible Man was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant."
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