Soldater i Myanmar, 2022. (AP)

Juntan i Myanmar ska tvinga unga att ta upp vapen

Militärjuntan i Myanmar har gett militären rätt att kalla in alla män i åldern 18–35 år och alla kvinnor i åldern 18–27 år till obligatorisk militärtjänst i minst två år.

Beslutet, som fattades tidigare i februari, följer på en rad förnedrande militära nederlag de senaste månaderna. Sajten Blankspot konstaterar att beslutet väckt starka reaktioner i landet där de revolutionära rörelserna har stort stöd.

Tom Andrews, FN:s speciella sändebud i Myanmar, kommenterar beslutet om militärtjänst. Han säger i ett pressmeddelande att juntan visar tecken på svaghet och desperation och att den utgör ett extremt stort hot mot civilbefolkningen.

– Unga människor är livrädda för att tvingas delta i juntans terrorstyre. Antalet som flyr utomlands kommer att explodera.

Enligt juntan kan 5 000 personer kallas in per månad med start i april.

Kriget i Myanmar
Wikipedia (en)
The Myanmar civil war, also called the Myanmar Spring Revolution or People's Defensive War, is an ongoing civil war following Myanmar's long-running insurgencies, which escalated significantly in response to the 2021 military coup d'état and the subsequent violent crackdown on anti-coup protests. As of January 2024, thousands of soldiers have surrendered without a fight, including six generals of the Tatmadaw. A group of observers write that the Tatmadaw's forces remain "formidable and well-equipped", with "external allies and economic resources".As of March 2023, the United Nations (UN) estimated that since the coup in February 2021, 17.6 million people in Myanmar required humanitarian assistance, while 1.6 million were internally displaced, and over 55,000 civilian buildings had been destroyed. UNOCHA said that over 40,000 people had fled into neighboring countries such as India and Thailand.As of October 2023, the Tatmadaw controlled under 40% of the country, although they maintain that they still control around two thirds of the country's 330 townships. In the second half of 2023, Chinland Defense Forces in the state of Chin had captured a majority of the state, with a few holdouts in urban areas and along the India-Myanmar border remaining. In October 2023, the Tatmadaw began facing manpower issues, with desertions and low morale being extremely common, coinciding with the PDF and Three Brotherhood Alliance's major rebel offensive in the west of the country, Operation 1027, which was successful in taking 80 bases, 220 junta positions and several towns by 28 November 2023.October and November 2023 saw a series of counter-offensives, including Operation 1111 besieging the state capital of Loikaw and renewed conflict by anti-junta forces in northern Rakhine and Chin states. In Operation 1027, anti-junta forces seized the district-level town of Kawlin, Sagaing Region (later recaptured by junta forces) in early November 2023 as well as Laukkai, the capital of Kokang Self-Administered Zone, in early January 2024.
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