Volodymyr Zelenskyj besöker den ukrainska staden Avdijivka den 29 december. Under våren föll staden i ryska händer. (AP)

Källa: Ryssland förbereder ny kampanj mot Zelenskyj

Inom kort väntas Ryssland inleda en desinformationskampanj med målet att skapa splittring och underminera Volodymyr Zelenskyjs trovärdighet. Det säger en anonym källa nära den ukrainska presidenten till Bloomberg.

Den 20 maj löper Zelenskyjs femårsperiod som president ut, men på grund av kriget hålls inget val. Det väntas Kreml utnyttja för att ifrågasätta hans legitimitet som ledare. Kampanjen väntas dra i gång i början av juni och framför allt vända sig mot soldater vid fronten, enligt källan.

Zelenskyj ska själv ha lyft frågan under ett möte i februari. Han ska då ha uppmanat sina medarbetare att säkerställa att propagandan inte får fäste.

Till saken hör att presidentens en gång så bergfasta stöd i Ukraina har börjat minska något, även om det fortfarande ligger på en hög nivå.

Nästa presidentval i Ukraina
Wikipedia (en)
Presidential elections were scheduled to be held in Ukraine on 31 March 2024 according to the constitution, which mandates elections be held on the last Sunday of March of the fifth year of the incumbent president's term of office. However, in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, since 24 February 2022 the Ukrainian government has enacted martial law, and Ukrainian law does not allow elections to be held when martial law is in effect.Politicians in Ukraine representing both government and opposition sides have expressed doubt over the viability of holding an election in 2024, citing concerns over security and displaced voters. Russia controls nearly a fifth of Ukraine's territory and millions of Ukrainians have fled their country. Among the other challenges are damaged infrastructure, outdated voter registry, restricted rights under martial law and the lack of funds. The Ukrainian constitution stipulates that a president's term concludes only when a successor is sworn in, indicating that Volodymyr Zelenskyy could continue to serve as president even after the expiration of the original five-year term to which he was elected.In November 2023 Zelenskyy said "now is not the right time for elections" and asked the Parliament to approve an extension of martial law for another 90 days, until 14 February 2024. Martial law was extended for another 90 days in February 2024. A poll released by KIIS in November 2023 reported that 80% of Ukrainians do not want to have an election until the war is over. In November 2023, all political parties represented in the Verkhovna Rada signed a document in which they agreed to postpone holding any national election until after the end of martial law and agreed to work on a special law that would regulate the first post-war election, which would take place no earlier than six months after the cancellation of martial law.

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