Känslosam O J Simpson till kommittén: Tack, tack, tack
70-årige O J Simpson kan vara en fri man redan den 1 oktober efter att han beviljats villkorlig frigivning.
– Tack, tack, tack, sa det tidigare proffset i amerikansk fotboll och skådespelaren märkbart rörd till medlemmar ur frigivningsinstansen i Carson City, Nevada, rapporterar NBC News.
O J Simpson beskrev sig själv inför kommittén som en familjeman som missat mängder av sina barns födelsedagar under de nio åren i fängelse. Han gav också bilden av att vara en hängiven kristen och hävdade att han levt ett i princip ”konfliktfritt” liv.
Simpson frikändes 1995 från anklagelser om att ha mördat sin ex-hustru och hennes vän. Sedan 2008 har han avtjänat ett fängelsestraff för ett rån i Las Vegas.
OJ Simpsons mordåtal
Wikipedia (en)
The O. J. Simpson murder case (officially the People of the State of California v. Orenthal James Simpson) was a criminal trial held at the Los Angeles County Superior Court in California. The trial spanned from the jury's swearing-in on November 9, 1994, to opening statements on January 24, 1995, to a verdict on October 3, 1995. The former professional football star and actor O. J. Simpson was tried on two counts of murder after the deaths of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and waiter Ronald Lyle Goldman, in June 1994. The case has been described as the most publicized criminal trial in American history. Simpson was acquitted after a trial that lasted more than eight months.
Simpson hired a high-profile defense team, initially led by Robert Shapiro and subsequently led by Johnnie Cochran, and which also included F. Lee Bailey, Alan Dershowitz, Robert Kardashian, Gerald Uelmen, John Yahoe, and Carl E. Douglas, with two more attorneys specializing in DNA evidence: Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld. Los Angeles County believed it had a strong prosecution case, but Cochran was able to persuade the jurors that there was reasonable doubt about the DNA evidence (a relatively new form of evidence in trials at the time) – including that the blood-sample evidence had allegedly been mishandled by lab scientists and technicians – and about the circumstances surrounding other court exhibits. Cochran and the defense team also alleged other misconduct by the Los Angeles Police Department. Simpson's celebrity and the lengthy televised trial riveted national attention on the so-called "trial of the century". By the end of the criminal trial, national surveys showed dramatic differences in the assessment of Simpson's guilt or innocence between black and white Americans.
Later, both the Brown and Goldman families sued Simpson for damages in a civil trial that came to a total of $33.5 million. On February 4, 1997, a jury unanimously found there was a preponderance of evidence to hold Simpson liable for damages in the wrongful death of Ron Goldman and battery of Brown. On February 21, 2008, a Los Angeles court upheld a renewal of the civil judgment against him.
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